The MEGA BOOTER by 'De Janeiro' ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ v 1.00 ¹¹¹¹¹¹ This little program has to be installed in the AUTO folder . You can use it with Ram disks or Hard disks as well . You ought to place it in the auto folder before all other programs so that it will be run first . It will print all filenames that are in the AUTO folder , as well as all accessories ( .ACC ) . Then , you may move the cursor on the names and choose if they'll be run or not . The active filenames are displayed in black over white , while the unvalid ones are displayed in white over black . You can change the state of each file by pressing the RETURN key on the selected position . If you wish to quit the MEGA BOOTER , then press SPACE. The files will then be renamed if necessary , as : *.PRG , *.TOS , *.ACC for the active ones . *.PRX , *.TOX , *.ACX for the passive ones As a consequencce , the disk mustn't be write protected. Such programs may already exist , we personally know MEGA BOOT from ESAT software and SUPERBOOT ( ST start up selector ) Anyway , this one is written in 100% assembler , short ( only 1300 bytes ) , runs in all resolutions and is shareware . * Please try not to use more than 120 files ( auto and .acc ) , for the programs wouldn't display them all . However , This is very unlikely to happen . Have fun with this. Signed : 'De Janeiro' of AVG I'd like to greet all other members of The Avengers : Caius Phenom , Antares , Michael , Bitmap and Frnz . Mega greets and thanks to all Members of : The Enterprise ( Esp. The Untouchables and Split Infinity )