I M P O R T A N T : see chapter on SELF-EXTRACTING progs !! ------------------------------------------------------------ CONTENTS: ST-PLUG Issue 14 To the best of our knowledge, all programs contained on this disk are Public Domain. We have kept all programs and their accompanying files complete as received. As well, all programs have been tested. Should any text files be absent from the total program it is through no fault of ST-PLUG. Our thanks go out to everyone who contributed to this ST-PLUG issue, be it through writing the software or directing it our way. You know who you are. Many programs on this ST-PLUG disk contain more than one file. For the purpose of saving disk space, almost all programs and their documentation have been compressed using the LHARC technique. These files have then been made self-extracting. If a file name is followed by the words 'self-extracting' in the documentation below, MOVE this file to a disk by ITSELF and execute it. All files will be extracted and placed on the disk at this point. EZGRADE.TOS (self-extracting)- A demo of EZ-GRADE as reviewed in this issue of ST-PLUG. EZ-Grade is a teacher's database; keeping track of test results, writing form letters, etc. (color/mono) DBCLICK folder A menu program allowing up to 24 programs and custom titles entered into one file. (color/mono) BLINK.TOS folder BLINK UTILITIES offers control over the color palette. Install custom palettes at the click of a mouse. (color/mono) ENGINE.TOS (self-extracting)- Observe the internal workings of an engine in this eye-catching display of 'TNY' pictures. (color) TIMEDATE.TOS (self-extracting)- Another Time/Date setting program? You simply cannot enter an incorrect date with this one, plus it saves the entered date into your AUTO folder for future reference. (color/mono) TUMBLE.TOS (self-extracting)- TUMBLE produces user defined patterns to your screen delivering interesting kaleidoscope effects. (color/mono) WGHOCKEY.TOS (self-extracting)- Demo of Bethesda Softworks' WAYNE GRETSKY HOCKEY. The best hockey simulator to date. (color)