SENDING ARTICLES _____________ ____________ ______ / \ / \ / \ / ________ /\ / ______ /\ / _ \ / /\ / / \ / /\____/ / \ / /\\ \ / / \____/ / / / /_/___/ / / / / /ÿ\ \ / / / / / / / ______ __/ / / /_/___\ \ / / / / / / / /\ / \ \ / / /\ / / / / / / / / \__/ /\_\/ / ______ / \ / /__/____/ / /_ / /___/_/ / \ _ / /\ / / /_ / / / /\ / / / /\ / / \__/ / / /\ /______________/ /_/ /_____________/ /_/ /____/ / /____/ /_/ \ \ \ /\ \ \ \ /\ \ \ \ / \ \ /\ \ / \______________\/ \_\/ \_____________\/ \_\/ \____\/ \____\/ \_\/ Welcome to the editorial part We hope you like the new look of this magazine. We made in low res this time so we could use more colors to make things look a bit better. The basic idea and structure is still the same, so the usage of this magazine shouldn't get you into any trouble. But oke enough bull, let's get a bit serious. So if you are reading this you probably want to send us something like pictures or text. Well okay we love it, great idea it will only help to make this magazine bigger and better. But before you make a wild start on making something here are some things you have to know: - If you want to write an text or doc to us write it in Tempus or in just an ED.TTP. if you want to use 1 Word + then please switch WP MODE off before you save the file, this way it will be a clean ASCII file. - Don't make the text longer than 800 lines. If your article is longer then please make two files of it. - Use only 70 characters on one line, cause that is the maximum. - Don't use funny markes as TAB or special codes. - Put them on disk, not on paper or else we have to type it all in. - Please not the followings parameters On the first line you must write the name of the file, max. 18 characters long and all in upper case letters like HELLO or EDITORIAL. Them leave one line open (just press RETURN once). Type the name of the file again, in upper of lower case, doesn't matter anymore now. One line open again, an them start writing. Hope you got that.... - For the pictures: see SENDING PICTURES article. But if you want to send something else like a good piece of music, an home ma de utility or game or just anything that you programmed and think it's worth publishing then send it in. But always remember, DON'T SEND PIRATED SOFTWARE cause we can't use it in the D.B.A.magazine. Everything you made yourself is okay or if it is really P.D. If you want you can send more then 1 text or 1 picture, if there is room or if they are that good we will place them all. You can send it to the D.B.A. Headquarters or to Bonus Software it's all the same. If you send a disk make sure there is enough postage with it to send it back. We will try to copy the newest D.B.A.magazine on it, so you don't have anything to loose here i would say. Please write on the disk what the last magazine is you have. Well what more can i say, get writing or drawing, and remember it don't have to be about computers or something like that. A good film review or a special comic book, a new hit or album from your favourite group, the best car in the world or what ever. If it's good then it gets its place in the magazine. Bonus Software