THANK GOD VIDEO THANK GOD FOR THE VIDEO !! Title : The Godfather III Points: 9 This is the third film about the Corleone family in the States. As the two first films this movie is really good. Its perhaps not a film for the action people because it's an very long movie and the story just floats on. You get a feeling that this is really the big boys that are playing. The story in short is that Michael Corleone is legalising his bussines but he runs in a couple of big problems and as useal he solves it in a standard Corleone fashion. This movie is a must for those who liked the two first Godfather movies. Title : Dances with wolves Points: 9 This is Kevin Costners first homemade movie and it was a real success both in the states and in Europe. It takes out the best and the worst of the human. It takes out the truth about how the Indians where treated and it wasn't so very nice I can tell you. The story in shorth is that this promosing officer starts the movie with going completly nuts. And after that get himself together and goes out west to see the last frontier. He falls in love with this white women that was raised with the Indians and then the adventure begins. It's not your average Indian movie for ones you can see the life from the Indian's point of view.