°±²ÛÛÛÛÛ IMPORTANT MESSAGE ÛÛÛÛÛ²±° ] From: Frazer and Beast of TSC ] To: Everyone Once upon a time, there were two cool guys from sweden who joined a group called The Reanimators. Their function in this group were to make music, and so they did, in a certain program called Blipp-blopper. Some of the songs became released, some others did not. Time went by, and the group changed their name and became known as The Syndicate. Then one day a music collection, put together by a guy known as Mug UK, appeared. That particular collection was not so bad, as it contained lots of music made by the cool guys from sweden. But everything was not right. Many of the tunes wasn't ment to be heard by any man... Well, i think you've got the point. Many of the songs in Mug UK's collection were not supposed to be released at all. And there was also a tune which wasn't even made by us. As you might understand, this isn't fun at all, especially when these songs have appeared on other collections like The Ultimate music demo II by PHF. We don't blame any of you, we dont't think any of you did this on purpose. But we'd really like to know who the hell spread these unreleased songs. So if Mug UK is reading this, please contact me on this adress: [ANDREAS FRANZEN [DVARGGRAND 4A [S-954 34 GAMMELSTAD [SWEDEN [(That's Frazer if you wonder) and tell me who the mother-fucking bastard is! Well, since we're already complaining, here's some faults in the previously mentioned UMD II: The tune Amazine pt 2 isn't at all made by me, I think LAP of next did that one. Another tune, into the groove is said to be made by either me or Jedi\Sector one. Well this tune is made by a Swedish guy called Excellence in art. Well PHF, I don't hate you for that, I just think the proper guys should have they deserved credits. [ And to all music-lovers,please [don't rip the blipp blopper- [songs and use them in your [productions, coz most of them [are just shit (as you might [hear if you listen to them). ]This is the end of this message,I hope ]it was clear enough. [Written by Frazer and Beast [from the Syndicate.