N.P.G. THE HISTORY ]-------------------- by The Gardian Angel/TLS The History of the quite unknown group ' New Power Generation ' is similar to the History of many other groups in the scene. But anyway I have to fill this pages up with text... ] The former-members of N.P.G. were ]' Lone Starr ' and ' The Byte Pirate '. ]These two ST-addicted-freaks were some ]of the very first ST-Guys which were ]swapping legal stuff instead of Games. They were impressed by the Union Demo and wasn't able to leave the Computer while watching on the Cuddly Demos... 'Lone Starr' had before his ST an C-64 and was experienced with PC and AT Computers. He was one of the very first who had swapped the TEX-Demos. He still has his C-64 and has a job which allows him to work on a computer ( and when I say Computer I mean a very horrible-expensive-mega-workstation ). 'The Byte Pirate' was , before he explored the world of Demos,one of this little Game-swappers without being important in anyway.But unluckly he was busted and was about to leave the whole mess when he saw his first Demo... Then he used his contacts to get more and more Demos. That was the time when he met the N.D.R. ( the meaning of that letter-construction is really meaning- less at all). The only member of the N.D.R. was 'Lone Starr', both dicovered their aim to get as much Demos as they can and so they joined together and formed the 'New Power Generation'. That was in October 1989. Three months later 'Lone Starr' asked a demo swapper in the south of Germany to join... he refused , but he finally joined in early 1990 as the 6th member: 'FAA'. The other three new members were 'the Invisible Men' ( ' T.I.M. ' but later 'Garth'), the Future Fighter ( 'T.F.F.' and even later 'Apollo') and 'Blagger'. Then ' TBP ' left the Crew and 'the Guardian Angel' ('T.G.A .') joined in his place. The very first releases were Disks , with many unpacked little Demos copied on one Disk and marked with a Bootsector & a 'Desktop-Display -Picture'... Then when the first Coder joined the crew (Garth) we produced an Intro ( in one month of work ! ) which included an overscan-scroller ( awful slow ), colour-cycles, musixx (wow..?!) , a distorter, a VU-meter (ugly-colors) and few rasters... We were always aware of our ' substandart ' (arf arf) and called it 'Nothing Important Demo' (...) Lately I think it was a mistake, because if we had called it 'greatest demo the world ever has seen' or 'best in...' ( Where have I read this before...?! ) it would have been spread a bit more... but with that name only one crew puts it on there Intro-packs, 'TBC' ( thanks ' Doc Prof ' even if you have still Disks from me ). After that release nobody has heard anything for a long time from us,but then we get an offer to make a guest-screen for the same group mentioned above 'TBC'. But the mistake was that we had have only 2 month to do it... We hurry but you can see the result on your own... (also I want to mention that 'T.G.A. of N.P.G.' has NOT done any gfx (not even an pixel)in that Screen (nur fur Insider witzig...)). ] Anyway we produced two more guest- ]screens for megademos from other groups ]but only one megademo was released: The ]European Demos. ( You may know that the ]whole Screen was done by our GFX - Man ]'Blagger', not too bad eh'?!).The other ]Guest - Screen was thought for the ]'Swedish Gold' by 'Phallanx' , but they ]stopped that production. Then again ]there was a long period of darkness... But after a while 'T.G.A.' was bored by only swapping demos and so he forced the coders to do a menu-intro which he could use on his packed Demo-Disks.That was exactly one year after founding the group. But it takes another 4 months to release the first 'Demo Compact Disk' that was around X-mas 90-91. ( N.P.G. claims the prize for the lazyiest coders !!! ) From that date on 'N.P.G.' has released 31 'DCD`s'.But exactly one year later (X-mas 91-92) we stopped the production ... because of " various reasons... ". [ Now NPG is working on their megademo, I saw just some previews ( amazing !! ) but as I said above we are not the fastest ( ...in manyways !? ) so don't expect it this decade ( har har ). You may ask why we have never done cracks or game-menus... It's because so many of our friends were busted in that time and the second reason ( and surely the main one )was that all our members live in different german-cities. So it would have taken ages to supply , crack and then spread the production. [Anyway you should now know a little [ more about the New Power Generation. Excuse my bad english and go on raving the world.... "And remember Winners don't use drugs"