MAD VISION STORY ------------------ By Def KLF of Mad Vision Here is the 1st article of what should be a long series. Stories of bands told by themselves. If you are interested in writting the story of your band.Come on,out with it! As I'm the founder of Mad vision,I'm going to narrate you our long story... ] Christmas 1988 to August 1989: The band is not really formed.Def KLF under the names of ACID ECSTAZY or ACIDUO ( I choose the name before Acid house movement. I was one of the rare people knowing what XTC pills are ... ) has been in different lame little french bands releasing some games menus ( Ghostbusters ,Ghost house... ). I asked to Alexis and Fantasia my 2 best friends at school to join me. We decided to nammed us : MAD VISION probably under the influences of the skate clothes STREET VISION , and the american comic mag MAD.It did something very hard to understand what it could mean... [ We liked this name because each time [we try to give a significance to Mad V. [ours poor brains failed. The meaning [may be the view others people have of [Mad Vision's members => Wacky guys. It [can also define our cynic, nihilist and [detached vision of life. Or just be our [definition of an hallucination due to [XTC pills or any illicit substances. ] August 89 to 1990: We planed to do a megademo called the MEGABLAST , but it failed because of a lack of motivation,whereas BMT,ACF,FIRE CRACKERS ( now AVG ) , FASHION and many other did screens for us... We have lost too much time and energy on this demo... We have worked on for about 10 months ! We left the Ghostbusters for Genesis a band we found with SPY 3 and MAXI of SPYJACK company. But because of many internal problems we left the band and created a new one: The intruders. About Genesis that is the same band as the one that did a screen in the trans- beauce 2 ( It is but an exemple ). With the Intruders we coded a few intros and MAXI released a few cracks, the Overlanders ripped a few one off too. But DOM asked Maxi to join the REPS, so the band split up. Fed up by all those bands,we couldn't control everything.We (I,Alex,Fantasia) decided to be a 'self-governing' band. Our 1st production under the name of Mad Vision has been an intro menus. As many people wrote us to tell us they enjoyed it,we released 3 other menus. During this period we also coded some intros for the Reps.(We were still good friends with MAXI after his departure for the REPLICANTS.) 004 who did background work for the famous french band S.T.C.S of the Blade Runners joined us. Because his friends Ratboy,Banzai and Jabberwoocky left the ST scene for different reasons. He has been the fourth to be a member of the team.So he nammed himself 004. Few days later SPY 3 joined us , because we were friend for a so long time , it was stupid, not to let him join MAD VISION. Our swapping activities began to be very important & we begin winning fame. In June 1990, MAXX-OUT joined us after his travel to the I.C.C 1 with the REPS because he was a very good friend of SPY 3 and MAXI , because he owned an autograph of Nick/T.C.B on his Joystick and because he was definitively a cool guy. ] 1991: We begin to release game menus,and if people blamed us for our beeing proud of ourselves in the scrolltext, it came only from jealous bands , because with less than 4 menus we had been famous. Whereas as we said in the texts of our intros, "our aim is not to compete with F.O.F , P.P. , TMB or BBC but to spread faster than light Replicants'cracks , some of the games may not work but we don't mind.That's the menus of the mega consumers !" But because of a lack of time we stopped our menus. Many bands copied us and release now file version menus , doing nearly nothing except having the latest news.One of my regret is to have stopped just when Awesome began,I would want to check which of us will be the fastest. We also opened a UK section with HAL and the Highlander. ] 1992: The MASSIVE ATTACK is finally released ST is almost dead(?),Amazine issue 1 is there, some professional menus are done by Gangster of Mad Vision UK (a new active member ). And we did some background work with/for Factory. ] As a conclusion,I want to stress two ]facts: ] - Mad Vision has always tried to be ]a band where friendship ruled. ] - Our policy has always been and ]still is... NO COMPROMISE ! It means,that we have ALWAYS said all that we really think. And did all that we wanted to. Some of you may think we are stupid assholes, but they can't say we are hyprocrits and opportunists. Some people think we are proud because we often slag people off , but if we sometime say somebody does something lame,we have never said like many bands do,that we are the best,and if you take a closer look to our scrolltext you will perceive the tone is that of irony and humour. I hope you didn't get bored of reading this,if you did... Tell us the story of your band... The story of Quartex or Hotline must be more interesting because full of rapes ,sodomies & other interesting habits between members. I'm sorry but we don't usualy practise such things between members in MAD VISION... [MAD VISION is about to die... We have decided to stop ours HACKtivities on atari ST: [ WHY ? - Too much troubles with french soft- ware companies. - ST scene is dying... - Coding on ST is hard,boring & limited - ST is lame,isn't it ? Mad Vision's members are still friends and we really hope to make a new band together in a near future on a new atari machine ( FALCON ? ). But we really hope to release an other issue of AMAZine with a real code in language machine and a smooth scroll in July 92. SO SEND US ARTICLES !