INTERVIEW WITH ZAK OF TSC --------------------------- [ interviewed by Def KLF of M. V. ] KLF: Zak , you are a new member of the ]Syndicate. The Syndicate used to be a ]Swedish band,you are French... Can you ]present yourself and tell us what you ]are supposed to do in the band... ZAK: I'm in the Syndicate since menu 50. I'm fifteen, I own my ST since 87, and I'm also known as Slayer/Lightnings I'm supposed to make some menus. ] KLF: TSC is not anymore an union of ]Swedish bands,but an autonom band ? Do ]relations between French and Swedish ]departments be a easy thing ? We heard ]that some menus were released in France ]and Sweden under the same numbers... ZAK: TSC is a single group and we're now in the ESC..Yes relations are quite okay, the post is quite fast. 51 and 52 were released in France and in Sweden but these were my first menus and we were not organised at this moment. Now, as long as we ring up each other when we release some stuff there are no problems.. ] KLF: Have you heard about the opening ]of an Amiga TSC section ? ZAK: Yes, I know an Amiga swapper in France who is in the group but that's all... Babydock has an Amiga now but no originals for the moment. ] KLF: You are quite young , ZAK. What ]motivation is there to be a member of a ]computer group ? Don't you think you ]are loosing your time on the ST ? ZAK: I think you can't improve by yourself you have to know other guys. If you stay alone, you stay a lamer. No I don't think I'm loosing my time on the ST, I think I'm loosing my time at school! ] KLF: Do your parents know what you do ]on ST ? Are they interesting in ? ZAK: Yes they are. But as long as I do not have troubles with the police or the Telecoms they don't care. ] KLF: Many people told me,you were very ]drunk at the MEGA FUN PARTY 2 held by ]TSB/ESC.Do you think drinking is cool ? ZAK: Yes, I know Zx, Docno, Spy 3 and some others told to you I drunk. There are even some rumours about myself creeping on the floor ! This is crap!.. I wasn't too drunk ( I mean I didn't puke) and anyway I was not alone. hehe Joker / Fun Vision ( write me ! ) drank with me. When I'm supposed to release an intro compil for TSB / TLS, I think drinking is very, very cool. I always feel depressed when I have to release those compils... ] KLF: Everybody is crying,right now in ]France. Many bands left the ST;many ST ]freaks say the ST is dying. Are you so ]pessimistic ? ZAK: Yes I am.. the ST is dead. There is no more scene in France, some have troubles with the police (i.e.Bastards) or are fed up (i.e. maxi). There is no more good cracking group in France. ] KLF: Who are the persons who certainly ]deserve to be called living legend ? ]and why ? ZAK: I think Dom and Maxi deserve it. Dom because he was one of the best and first crackers on the ST, Maxi because he was one of the best and fastest. Level 16 and Nick/TCB deserve it too because of the coding techniques they found. ] KLF: Why this name ZAK ? Is it ]influenced by any lame american TV ]shows. Or does it mean ,music is a very ]important thing for you ? ZAK: I took this pseudo because a lot of peoples had my address but now I do not care much and my name is Slayer in both groups (Syndicate and Lightnings) No, it's not influenced by the very lame 'Saved by the bell' (I really hate those tv programs with pre-recorded laughs... ) but by the game Zak Mc Kracken. Yes music is important for me, I run my own music-group, but I can't see any link with Zak.. ] KLF: About music what kind of bands,do ]you like to listen to ? ZAK: My fave music group is Slayer... My fave album is Reign in Blood, Slayer is the best thrash metal band ! I also listen to Metallica, Sacred Reich, Nirvana, Anthrax, Pixies, Ramones.. ] KLF: I will write down some words and ]expressions and you just write down ]what strike you right away... [YOUR HARDWARE: 1040 STF with old Roms! [STE: Should have been released two years before. [FRANCE TELECOM: Kill them. [SCHOOL: Student bored to death! [TELEVISION: There's never a good movie. [FAVE FOOD: Big mac, pizzas, and so on. [BEST CONCERT: Monsters of Rock 91. [BEST C.PARTY: Trans 2, MF2. [PARISIAN SCENE: I'm not in regular contact with anyone in Paris except Babydock. [OVERLANDERS: If you listen to them their gfx men are better in code than Nick/Tcb. I don't like their attitude+mentality. [RTEL: The best Minitel service I know. [FUZION: no comments! [FUTURE MINDS: they're dead ! [RUTHLESS: A lame ripper who don't even deserve to be fucked! [MODEM TRADING: Cool business but it's risky in France. [CRACKED GAME SELLERS: They kill the ST. [YOU IN TEN YEARS: No idea! ] KLF: Is it a question you'd like to ]ask yourself ? ZAK: What's up with Caribou ???? ] KLF: I thank you a lot,ZAK.And you are ]welcome in the next AMAZINE issues.