3 TRICKS TO SAVE THE PLANET ]----------------------------- by def KLF of Mad Vision [-1- Your mum must have already given you one of these gorgeous baloons blew up with Helium ( with a monster-head, the pope or Bart Simpson ). And lame as you are you let the baloon escape from your little hands, fuckin' bastard !!! ...and the little piece of plastic flew to the sky... But moreover the 27 francs your mum lost, that is all our environment that can be destroyed by your lameness. Your baloon pushed by the wind, has fallen into the ocean and has lost all its helium. A whale ate the baloon and died, because of the baloon into its stomach. Feeling it's going to die the poor whale run aground on a huge oil tanker. All the mariners died during the ship- wreck and about 250 000 tons of oil were spread in the water killing all the living forms of life around and ruining the touristic life of the region. ] IS IT ENOUGH ? Consequently NO MORE BALOONS and the next time you see a baloon seller ( you know, a blind with a little monkey on his shoulder ) play him a trick with your friends:BURST THEM UP! ] That's for our planet ! [-2- The farmers who deforest Amazonia,are also the ones who sell cheap meat for the fast food you like to eat craps in. Do you realize ? Poor countries cut their trees to breed animals in order to sell meat cheaper to rich coutries. ] What an absurd situation ! The next time you go to a fast food, do not hesitate to ask to a salesman where the meat comes from, they use for their royal burgers.And don't forget to explain why you ask him such a thing.If he refuses to answer you, ask him again and again ! If he seizes you to insert you in the deep fryer...stay stoic... ] ...the protection of the planet also ]needs some martyrs. [-3- A paper bag it's a bit the death of a tree... Do you know for example that we need a whole 15 years old tree to make 700 paper bags ? So , say STOP to this all these wastes ! The next time you buy a little thing and that the saleswoman is about to put it into a paper bag.Say: "No,not for me I think about the trees !" If she has has already put your purchase into the paper bag.Give her the bag back and say that you needn't such a thing because you think about trees. Don't be afraid if she is looking at you spitefully.Show her your little bag on your back and explain her:"I already have a bag Miss. I don't waste earth's products ". She may be very tired, because of an hard work day.If she wants to bang your head into the cash desk. That is not grave. [ You have to suffer for our beautiful earth !