CRACKING IS GOOD FOR YOU ]-------------------------- "GET THE BULLSHIT OUT" with DEF KLF of MAD VISION ! Software companies claim the price of games would fall,if we stop cracking them. But everybody knows that is bull- shit ! Get a look at Nintendo or Sega games, no piracy,huge market (Europe,Asia,Usa) and prices don't fall ! Software companies tell us,they are poor , because they don't sell games enough. But if they don't sell games it is simply because most of the games relea- sed are lame. Who could be interested in buying games with slow and rough sprite movements ? Who is stupid enough to buy a game that is completed in one day ? or conversely a game you can't move up to the 2nd level after 2 weeks spent on ? Playable games are so rare !!! Less than 10 a year !!! If kids couldn't have free cracked games on ST,why do they would buy a ST? Whereas Amiga computers are as cheap as ST,and games are much more interesting. The only reason for them to buy a ST inspite of an Amiga is that they can easily have hot news. I can't believe Software companies are poor. When they spend astronomical amounts for advertisements in magazine or when they pay vast sums for a little place in a computer show. I'm fed up of listening to software companies saying we kill them. When new software shops open each days in france and when brand new softare companies are born in France regularly. I can't stand hypocrisy of the scene about cracking. If everybody accept the cracking bands, most of the bands claim they are against selling cracked games but where is the difference ? Selling cracked games slows down the spreading of cracked games to the large public. So it increases sales of originals. And moreover it would be impossible for most cracking bands to buy originals without selling their cracks. And the worst is that I don't even sell cracked games whereas I have opportunities. You can think all that you want about all those things. But I don't think I'm a dreamer... many of us seems to be blind I hope I've opened a few eyes... ] PIRACY IS A CRIME ] THE CRIME IS A NECESSITY