The Plot Thicks... Well, Day Twenty. Only ten more, and then it's back to the old routine. Thirty days in the Brig for punching Lt. George Leroy Tirebiter. Not too bad for striking an officer. Creep had it coming, though. Nobody says crap about Billy Blaskowicz IX's mother and get away with it. So it was true? It wasn't so much _what_ he said, but how. She did wear combat boots, but Sgt. Major (Ret.) Pandora Blaskowicz has enough medals to drag a bulk freighter out of orbit. Things have been getting weird in the last week. Crazy rumors floating around, some of the guards missing their regular shifts and the lack of food. Can't forget about the lack of food. They haven't brought you a meal in two days. Good thing that water tap still works, that Blue Water (tm) in the toilet can give you some mean cramps. This morning the whole thing went into the crapper. Corporal Dickerson comes lurching into your cell and tries to eat you. You tried to talk to him, but the creep just kept on attacking. So you end up doing what you do best; you punched him in the face. Knocked out six teeth. The creep came back for more, so you hit him again. This time you caught him under the chin and accidently broke his neck. Great, they're gonna cook you this time. You look down at the body of the late (and still warm) Corporal Dickerson in disgust. Not so much as he's dead, goodness knows you're seen a few dead bodies in your day, but this guy hasn't had a shower in a week! The stench of filth is strong enough to gag a llama. You decide it's time to find out what the blue blazes is going on out there and slowly exit your cell... -Richard Ward