PROGRAM: COMPARE.EXE - for UNIX file listings VERSION: 1.0 USE: COMPARE EXAMPLE: COMPARE 0794.cap 0108.cap RESULT: The program would compare the UNIX file entries in each file and make an output file of any files that exist in the NEWFILE file, and not in the OLD one. OUTPUT FILE NAME is the first 4 chars of each file, so for the the above example it would be 07940108.txt. COMMENTS: I found it real hard to keep track of the new files in a lot of systems, so I wrote this Q&D program. It'll search your capture files for -- (a UNIX file line) then compare with OLDFILE. It'll ignore any other lines so you don't need a neat capture file. It's written in Basic. AUTHOR: Vic Harnett Vancouver, BC, CANADA INTERNET: NOTES: This program can freely go anywhere and everywhere. Drop me a note if you're using this in some far-away place. I'd like to see how far it goes. ERRORS: I didn't want to make a big huge program with error-checking routines and everything, so if you type an invalid file name, it'll just crash on ya! Have a good life, eh!