=========================================================================== About the APCi MultiPlayer Game Server... =========================================================================== The APCi MultiPlayer Game Server is a program that allows personal computer users to play multiplayer virtual reality/simulation games using high speed modems and standard telephone lines. It supports popular multiplayer games such as DOOM, Falcon, and SpectreVR. This environment has previously been available exclusively to players using local area networks. The APCiMPGS requires a dedicated computer system and an intelligent multiport serial communications interface such as the DigiBoard DIGICHANNEL PC/16e. It was initially designed to operate in conjunction with most multi-line BBSs as a serial "door" and support up to 16 concurrent players in gaming "pools" of 2-4 players each. Due to overwhelming market response, the APCiMPGS is being completely rewritten as a true 32-bit application that is expected to support over 200 concurrent player connections via any combination of modem, direct serial, and IPX. It will no longer require a front-end host BBS, but will be a stand-alone BBS dedicated to providing multiplayer gaming support. Sysops desiring to use their BBS as a host will theoretically be able to do so, but such use will not be officially supported by APCi. The new APCiMPGS will be accessed using the APCi MultiPlayer Game Client software, a special SVGA (640X480X256) graphical DOS terminal. The APCiMPGS will have just enough standard terminal support to allow ZMODEM downloads of the client software. The client program will be freeware and therefore will also be available on several internet FTP sites as well as most large BBSs. The client software will automatically be updated as necessary upon connection to the APCiMPGS. The new 32-bit version of the APCiMPGS will have many of the features of other multi-line BBS software including accounting, email, file libraries, and message forums. It will also feature a teleconference section where gamers will meet, chat with other gamers, select other players, decide on game settings, and begin games. There will be a main teleconference "lobby" for general gaming interests off of which there will be separate teleconference "game rooms" for each game. From the "game rooms" players will form private game "pools" consisting of players that wish to play together. These players will be in a private chat area which is just one step away from being in the game. They will start their games from here, and they will automatically be returned here when they leave the game. This concept is illustrated below: ---------------- ------------ > Private Game Pool (2 Player Game) | |------| DOOM | > Private Game Pool (4 Player Game) | | ------------ > Private Game Pool (3 Player Game) | | | | ------------ > .... | Lobby |------| Falcon | > .... (Private Game Pools) | | ------------ > .... | | | | ------------ > .... | |------| Spectre | > .... (Private Game Pools) ---------------- ------------ > .... All APCiMPGSs will initially be virtually "networked" in a hierarchical design to the main APCi hub system to send and receive email and software updates. Eventually, true "real-time" networking support will be added that will allow participants to form one huge gaming network. Unfortunately, existing X.25 packet-switching networks such as Tymnet and SprintNet are not fast enough or smooth enough to move networked gaming data. Networking will therefore require direct leased lines. APCi will be releasing a game developer's toolkit that will allow for rapid development of games compatible with the APCiMPGS. APCi is currently contacting virtual reality/simulation software developers regarding the conversion of existing games such as Flight Simulator, Comanche, IndyCar, Stunts, X-Wing, and many others. The APCiMPGS will be available as software only or as part of a complete turn-key package of hardware and software. APCi will beta release to 10-20 experienced sysops as "business partners" to obtain feedback from users. Beta releases will not be free. Sysops or others who are willing to make the investment and feel that they are qualified may put their requests in wrinting and FAX them to APCi at (618) 632-7287. For additional technical information, contact Applied Personal Computing, Inc. in the U.S. at 1-800-535-APCi or outside the U.S. at (618) 632-7282. All official information including pricing will be available on the APCi BBS at (618) 632-7664. Also watch for periodic posts and discussion in the alt.bbs internet usenet newsgroup. Both the APCi MultiPlayer Game Server and the APCi MultiPlayer Game Client software are copyright Applied Personal Computing, Inc., O'Fallon, IL. All games mentioned in this document are copyright their repective developers and/or publishers.