review: OPOST21.WAD Review written on 1994 05 26 by Frank Stajano, DOOM Master. ---BEGIN original .TXT file ================================================================ Title : OPOST21.WAD Author : Scott Amspoker Email Address : Description : The government boasts that Outpost 21 is the home of scientific research that will benefit all humanity. On the surface, Outpost 21 appears to be a peaceful complex that provides its small team of dedicated scientists with living quarters, research labs, and recreational facilities. However, not even the aliens who recently inhabited Outpost 21 were aware of the dark and dirty secrets that lie beneath . Additional Comments : As with any Doom level, please play this level in a dimly lit or dark room. I strongly urge that you not use gamma correction unless you really have an unusually dark monitor. Gamma correction tends to put a "wash" on the otherwise deep Doom colors and I have chosen the light levels carefully. Some parts of this level are dimly lit. This is not to disorient the player or pull a cheap shot in the dark. It is to create the proper mood and to exploit certain Doom textures that would look unconvincing in brighter light (and with gamma correction). Have fun! ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E2M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : See editor list Editor(s) used : DEU 5BETA4, 5.0, 5.1 and BSP11X Known Bugs : none * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: BBS numbers: Other: ---END original .TXT file This is an amazingly good level. Every detail has been lovingly crafted to perfection. I feel that OPOST would be quite at home in the original suite of id episodes. Wonderfully atmospheric and very enjoyable. It scores high marks on visual appeal, cleverness of puzzles and playability. I start in a wide open space. I get hold of a backpack in an underground torture cage guarded by an imp. Marines, sergeants and imps fire at me from the building. I get rid of them with the pistol, my only weapon, and try to find my way inside. I quickly find a secret door, and through there I can steal the shotgun of one of the sergeants I killed. An apparently inaccessible blue key defies me from its pillar (an unplanned-for cheat is possible here, just as it is in E3M6). And now the first really hard and clever puzzle: how the hell do I get hold of a yellow key to enter the building from the main door? Once inside there is some imp killing to be done and, in a storage room, another good puzzle: an inaccessible switch. It turns out that this is the official way to get the blue key I saw earlier. Exploring the inside corridors I find an underground swimming pool. This certainly used to be part of the "recreational facilities", although the new inhabitants of the complex have now refilled it with that lovely green liquid. A couple of cacodemons and other assorted monsters mean it's easy to die here while visiting if one is not careful. Somehow I find myself in a maze of caverns of unfathomed depth. This is really the most impressive piece of design in this WAD, and the thing that makes it stand above most others. Even places that you only walk through once are splendidly rendered with realistic detail. What I liked best were the light effects on the torches. The exit area has the classic range of big monsters (a baron, some cacodemons, a swarm of lost souls and the odd sniper imps) but is not unfair. Here, too, a clever puzzle. The difficulty, on Ultra-Violence, is comparable to that of E1M6 - E1M7: not trivial but not terribly hard either. Monster distribution is fair, i.e. they don't come in legions; and, at least in the second part of the game, ammonition is plentiful. After extensive play, I have found no hall-of-mirror bugs. The appeal of this WAD is above all in its appearance. It is a beautiful world to explore. Warm congratulations to the author.