If you want to make your own graphics, here are some real helpful tips: How to edit frames: You need a: -24 bit video card that runs in at least 640x480 graphics in hi-color. -A paint program that can select colors out of 16.7 million color palette and can intermesh or smear colors for shading. (note- not all colors have to be there, just 256 of the 16.7 million varying colors is required. If the program cannot select the right colors or it creates incompatible files, coloring may drastically change. Normally, a few shades of colors may change, such as yellows and reds that warp into orange in the game.) -DMGRAPH or some program that can pull graphics or install graphics into the .WAD files. -A lot of patience and time. Nothing ever comes out right the first time Methods: Pull out the files and note their dimensions just for reference. You can make smaller or larger graphics up to a 320x200 limit. Sometimes programs like Corel Photo-Paint can extract and guess the palette DOOM uses. If your program can do it, then save it as a doom palette to paint with, otherwise you may risk unwanted color changes in the game. (When I saw unwanted, I mean a color radically altered. For example, bright blue turned into a dark purple or even a yellow turn into a blue!) Insertion: Before you insert, make sure you take down the original graphics' positions and dimensions. Then check and compare your own graphics' sizes and dimensions. FOR WEAPONS: In DMGRAPH, the top of the screen is 32 and the side of the screen is zero. The dimensions decrease towards the bottom right (negative numbers). Each pixel in the game screen is one dimensional unit. FOR EVERYTHING ELSE: Gee, I'm not sure, but look at the original graphics' insertions. There are two way to insert graphics: 1) One way is to completely ignore the original insertion. This only works for weapons and the status bar. DMGRAPH grabs the top left pixel of the graphics and uses the above coordinate systm to place it in position. For example, if I wanted to insert a 30x40 graphics on the bottom left screen, flushed with the edge, I put down the insertion point as 0,-128. 0 is the X-axis and the -128 is the y dimension. I get -128 from taking 32 and subtract 200 from it which yields -168. Since the graphic's positioning reference is the top left pixel, I add 40 to the -168 giving my final answer -128. Here are some handy placement equations: To insert something at the BOTTOM of the screen Y=-168+height of picture To insert something at the TOP of the screen Y=32 To insert something in the MIDDLE of the screen Y=figure it out yourself. note - a good way to do this is to use your paint program's coordinate system and try placing it on a new file that is 320x200. Take note of the position and translate it into DOOM coordinates. To insert something at the left edge of the screen X=0 To insert something at the right edge of the screen X=320-width of graphics 2) Use the original graphics as reference and calculate the difference in sizes which should lead to the difference in graphics positioning. Troubles: When I walk around with a new weapon, the graphic cuts off as it waddles back and forth on the screen. Try squashing the graphic insertion towards the edge of the screen or redraw it with additional graphics on it. I noticed that ID only used part of the weapon for the firing frame. Is there an easy way to insert my firing frames the same way without trial and error? Yes there is. Use your paint program's coordinate system. Take a full 320x200 picture of your weapon and place the firing frame on the weapon. Then cut and paste the firing frame on the weapon. Take note of the dimension of your cut and paste and where the rubberband box started (the upper right corner of the box). The upper right corner of the box shows where you should put the graphic into DOOM unless you squashed the graphics to prevent from being cut out as you walk about in DOOM. Then create a new file with the exact dimension of the rubberband box and paste your firing frame on it. Save it. Or, just cut and paste the firing frame onto your 320x200 graphics and notice where the upper right hand of your paste ends up. When I shoot, the firing frame covers a part of the graphics I want exposed. You have to include the objects in front of the firing frame in the firing frame itself. You can also paint the light blue color ,which is invisible, over the area you want to see. When I shoot, part of my weapon is missing or a part appears when it is not suppose to. Some weapons use two or more basic frames with firing frames added on top of a certain portion of the weapon itself. Try erasing or adding parts to the basic frames. TIPS: DESIGN all weapons on a 320x200 area first to get an idea how big it should be and it should look. Try using a .PCX from DOOM to help you get an idea of proportionality or perspective. (F1 camera shot in devparm mode.) Design the firing frames as small as possible or DOOM will copy parts of your graphics and flash them anywhere in the screen. Plan ahead with the availble frames the program has and how long they last on the screen. Don't expect to make a tank gun reload a shell in front of the player with the amount of frames the pistol graphics have. Drawing flames or explosions for DOOM is tough. Try cut and paste DOOM's existing explosions. Manage your files carefully! You may need to use an old version to fix an error. Try saving files under different series of names for each of the following stages: 1) WIRE PICTURES- outlining of the basic shapes 2) PAINT DESIGN- painting on the outlines 3) FIRING FRAMES ADDED or ATTACK FRAMES ADDED 4) FINALIZE EVERYTHING in 24-bit mode 5) Convert 24-bit into 256 color files for DOOM