HOW TO INSTALL NETDIAL: If you are reading this file, then you have uncompressed ND2xxS.ZIP, (where xx is the minor version number) and should now have the 2 following files on your hard drive: 1. INSTALL.TXT (You're reading this now) 2. SETUP.EXE To install NetDial, start windows. Then, from the Program Manager select [F]ile, [R]un, then type "SETUP" (include the path to the SETUP.EXE program if necessary) and hit [ENTER]. When NetDial installation is complete, you will have a "NetDial" group added to your desktop. To run NetDial, double click the 'NetDial' icon in this group. For help on using NetDial, double click the 'NetDial Help' icon in this group. Help is available from anywhere within NetDial by pressing 'F1' or the 'Help' button (if there is one displayed).