Stickies! 3.0 Order Form Looking Glass Technologies PO Box 8636 Endwell, NY 13762-8636 FAX: (607)754-1267 CompuServe: 71055,1240, Internet: Customers receive a lifetime 50% discount on disk upgrades. Name: _________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Disk size: [ ] 3.5" 1.4M [ ] 5.25" 1.2M E-mail address(es): _________________________________________________ Where did you get your copy of Stickies!? ____________________________ Number of copies ordered: ______________ Payment options: [ ] Check or money order payable in U.S. dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank [ ] Canadian postal money order payable in U.S. dollars [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard Credit card number: _____________________________________________________ Expiration date: _____________________ Signature: _____________________________________________________ Applicable sales tax and shipping charges (see below), as well as corrections for miscalculations, will be added to all credit card orders. Pricing schedule: 1 to 5 copies $ 29.95U.S. per copy 6 to 10 $ 26.95U.S. 11 to 20 $ 23.95U.S. 21 to 60 $ 20.95U.S. Over 60 $1,200.00U.S. total (site license) Sales tax: Residents of New York State must add 8% state sales tax. Shipping charges: Customers outside North America must add $7U.S. per copy ordered. To be eligible for a volume discount, all copies must be purchased at the same time and they must be shipped to the same address. All prices and terms are guaranteed until December 31, 1995. Site licensees will receive 20 copies of the distribution disks and manuals, and are expected to make their own copies for on-site distribution. A site license counts as 20 copies when calculating shipping costs for international orders.