AstroMart 4.0 (C) 1994 - Copyright F. Burns, France F. Burns 17, chemin de la Croix Blanche F-30430 St Jean de Maru‚jols, France tel and fax: (33) 66 60 20 65 CIS.EMail: 100265,2413 This file contains information for hardware, installation and for vendors Introduction ------------ AstroMart is a complete software for calculating an astrological chart. It is equally addressed to students of astrology, and to all those who are interested in this science. AstroMart allows you to enter the details of the person to be studied for the calculation of his or her astral chart, and calculates the position of the planets at the time of birth as well as the position of the astrological houses and aspects. A variety of graphics and chart analysis is included in the software. Hardware requirements --------------------- - Windows 3.1 - 20386 processor or higher - hard disk - 2 mb RAM - VGA video or better - uses x87 if available Installation ------------ The software is contained in two files: m_win.exe : files specific to Windows am_data.exe : data files used by both systems For Windows: 1) Create a sub-directory for AstroMart: C:>md \astro (or any other name) then press 2) Enter the sub-directory: C:>cd \astro 3) Uncompress the program and its data files: C:\astro>a:am_win C:\astro>a:am_data 4) Install the icon: - Select FILE/NEW in the Program Manager - Click on the Browse button - Select the appropriate drive and directory in the box on the right - Double-click on astrowin.exe - Click on Ok in each dialog box 5) To run AstroMart: double-click on its icon. For help, press F1. Vendors and BBS's ----------------- This is a reduced version of the AstroMart software which I have decided to release as shareware. The author reserves all rights concerning this program, but will allow this specific version to be copied and distributed freely and without charge. It must be distributed with all its files, including this one. Vendors and BBS's are asked to make themselves known if they have not been directly contacted by the author; this is important for future updates.