IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM A VERSION OF "THE CONTACT MANAGER", PREVIOUS TO VERSION 1.5, FOLLOW THESE STEPS BEFORE INSTALLING THE NEW VERSION: 1. Make a backup of your current, working copy and data. If you have enough room on your hard disk, it should be sufficient to just copy it to another subdirectory. 2. Run your current, working copy of The Contact Manager and export your data to an external file: a. Choose "I/O" from the pull-down menu. b. Select "Full List in Column Format". c. Choose "File" for your destination. d. Select "Text Format" for your output file type. e. Type in the file name you want to save it as, or simply use the default. f. Choose "OK" to begin. g. Select "CANCEL" to quit the export function. 3. Exit the program. (ALT-Backspace) 4. Delete any blank lines at the top and bottom of the file you just exported with any ASCII text editor. DOS's edit or Window's Notepad should work. 5. Install the new version of "The Contact Manager". (See "README.TXT" for instructions if needed.) 6. Start the new version. 7. Import the file you exported and edited above. a. Choose "I/O" from the pull-down menu. b. Select "Import Full List in Column Format". c. Since the only entry in the database should be the one that installs with the program, you can select "NO" to make any backups of the current database. (Selecting "YES" won't hurt either.) d. Select the file you exported above in step 2. 8. Follow the instructions on the screen to make sure everything imported ok. 9. Once you have reviewed the entries and are sure they are correct, you may delete the backup copy of your old data. 10. This would be a good point to make a backup copy of your new program, particularly the data. To make a backup of the data only: a. Select "File" from the program's pull-down menu. b. Select "Backup and Compress Database...". WHAT'S NEW: * Increased the number of fields you can sort on from the four main ones (Last Name, First Name, Business Name, and Date) to almost all of them (eleven total). Sorry, in order to allow virtually unlimited amount of data in the NOTES section, I had to define it as a data type that can not be sorted on. * You can set your own option of when to print the country field while printing labels. * Many of the fields have been increased to accomodate longer strings. You should be able to enter data of any reasonable length. (ie, the phone number has been increased from 20 to 35 characters, the e-mail address has been increased from 35 characters to 50 characters) * You can use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW to move one entry back or forward, respectively. It used to be you had to hold the Ctrl key while using them. Note that using the Ctrl key has the same effect, but is no longer necessary. I expect you'll quickly adapt to this . * The reports have been aesthetically altered. Mainly a solid line is printed between each entry rather than the previous "*'s". * Sum other minor bugs have been ironed out. I hope I zapped all the critters, but let me know if you find any (especially any that really inhibit the program's usefullness).