THE CONTACT MANAGER NOTE: USERS WHO HAVE A PREVIOUS VERSION OF THIS PROGRAM PRIOR TO VERSION 1.5 SHOULD READ "UPGRADE.TXT" BEFORE INSTALLING THIS NEW VERSION. To install this program, choose "FILE", then "RUN" from the Windows program manager. Then type in the path where the installation files reside followed by the word "SETUP". EXAMPLE: C:\INSTALL\SETUP NOTE: This program, as with all of the many programs written in Visual BASIC version 3.0, requires the file VBRUN300.DLL to be located in your Windows\System subdirectory. It is common practice not to distribute VBRUN300.DLL with an application because it is large and would reduce download time each time you obtain a Visual BASIC program. Additionally it would take up much more space on CD-ROMs, BBS's, etc if it were in every application that requires it. If you try the above installation procedure and you get a message that VBRUN300.DLL was not found, you should be able to easily locate it on a BBS, CD-ROM, or other common places where Windows shareware is found. It's likely to be in the same general area where you obtained this program. Thank you for your cooperation. Users of THE CONTACT MANAGER must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "THE CONTACT MANAGER IS SUPPLIED AS IS. THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE. THE AUTHOR ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL, WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE CONTACT MANAGER." With that said, it should be noted that I do provide technical support. I welcome any questions, comments or suggestions. Hopefully you'll get as far as the installation, in which case you can read how to contact me from the section "Technical Support" in the "Help" pull-down menu. I really want you to be able to use this program in the best way that will benefit you. I hope you'll find it as useful as many others have and eventually register it. If you need help and can not locate the online information, I am providing it below. Note that e-mail contact is preferred because it is quick, accurate, and relatively inexpensive for us both. It also saves us from playing "phone tag". Naturally registered users will always be given priority, though I do want to keep potential registrants happy too.  CompuServe - 71561,2751 Internet - Address P.O. Box 252662 Columbia, SC 29045 If you really need assistance via the phone, you can call (803) 699-6395 I'm usually available from 6pm to 9pm, Eastern Standard Time. PLEASE DO NOT CALL DURING HOURS OUTSIDE THIS RANGE. -Jeff Camino, Author