7709 Continuously plays the current song (toggle) 7710 Prompts for confirmation for on deleting songs 7711 Deletes the selected song file from disk 7715 Access online help 7716 Displays the help file table of contents 7717 Displays brief information about the program 7720 Plays songs in random rather than sequential order 7721 Song management commands (Add, Play, Pause, ..etc.) 7722 Plays the selected song from the beginning 7723 Stops song play 7724 Pauses song play, or resumes it (toggle) 7725 Removes all songs from the album 7729 Plays the next song or the next randomly-selected song 7740 Saves the current album to the database 7741 Saves the current album under a possibly different name 7743 Moves the selected song one position up 7744 Moves the selected song one position down 7748 Allows duplicate songs in the album 7752 Maintains the album: sort, shuffle, clear, ..etc. 7753 Sorts the album by original order 7759 Album management commands (Open, Save, Clear, ..etc.) 7760 Opens and loads (or reloads) the album 7762 Adds from removed songs to the album 7763 Displays information about using the help facility 7766 Searches for a keyword in the help file 7767 Saves program settings now 7773 Removes the selected song from the album 7776 Automatically saves program settings on exit 7777 Removes duplicate songs from the album 7780 Minimizes the window automatically when deactivated 7788 Moves the selection highlight to the active song 7789 Loading album from disk... 7790 Saving album to disk... 7791 Sorting album by original order... 7792 Seeking in song... 7793 Opening and loading song... 7796 Delete the currently selected song file from disk?\n\nNOVICE WARNING: This will DELETE the song file\n(i.e. you will no longer have the song on disk).\n\nUse REMOVE to just remove the song from the queue. 7798 Closing song... 7803 PLAY 7804 PAUSE 7805 REPEAT 7810 LOOP 7811 RANDOM 7812 Ejects the album 7814 Changes song title 7815 Displays and changes album properies 7824 Displays brief help messages like this one 7825 Retracts the album 7826 Ejects or retracts the album 7827 Removes the album from the database 7828 Remove this album from the database? 7829 How to reset the MIDI synthesizer before each song 7830 Does not reset the MIDI synthesizer before each song 7831 Standard reset of the MIDI synthesizer before each song 7832 Maximum reset of the MIDI synthesizer before each song 7833 Stops song play upon program exit 7838 Closes the current album 7841 Saves song file names relative to the album path 7842 Does not load single-track (usually data) CDs 7848 Displays registration information 7852 Shuffles the album's song order randomly 7853 Shuffling song order randomly... 7854 Resets the synthesizer by playing a custom reset file 7855 Could not play the MIDI Custom Reset file. Refer to the help file for information on how your MIDI synthesizer's reset file should be setup. MIDI Auto Reset will now be set to: Full Reset. 7860 Shows or hides the buttons 7861 Option settings for the program (Continuous Loop, ..etc.) 7862 Song play options: loop, random play, auto-play, ..etc. 7863 Loops to the first song when the last one finishes playing 7865 Saves the album on exit or when another is opened 7866 Starts playing automatically when an album is loaded 7868 Shows or hides some elements of the window 7869 Hides the menu bar -- use the system menu to recover it 7870 Displays the buttons at the bottom or top of the window 7871 Whether to show elapsed or remaining time in the counter 7872 Recovers the menu bar 7873 Plays the selected song from the beginning 7874 This is not a valid album name (reserved for new unsaved albums).\nUse another name. 7879 Database maintenance: lists all albums and allows deleting some 7880 Querying database for album infomation... 7883 Sets the album queue font 7885 Adding songs to album... 7886 Displays a very informative tutorial of the program 8200 Displays a list of most recently opened albums to load 8201 Opens and loads this album from disk 8202 Opens and loads this album from disk 8203 Opens and loads this album from disk 8204 Opens and loads this album from disk 8205 Opens and loads this album from disk 24310 Terminates the program 32040 Shows or hides the status bar 61456 Moves the window on the desktop 61472 Iconifies the window 61536 Terminates the program 61727 System menu: window control commands 61728 Restores the winodw to its previous state and size 61744 Switches to another application