Order Form - Freeman Installer & Uninstaller If you are on CompuServe, then go SWREG. My ID is 4579. Otherwise please fill out the following form, mail/fax/e-mail it to the following address. I will tell you how to pay. Kent Tong Mail Box 20 Wentworth Building University of Sydney Sydney NSW 2006 Australia e-mail: tongk@arch.su.edu.au ph & fax: (61) (2) 2116314 DON'T CALL ME BETWEEN 1:00am -- 7:00am SYDNEY TIME!!! 1. What is your (the applicant) name? 2. What is the name of your company? 3. What is your address (street, city, state, country, zip)? 4. What is your telephone number? 5. What is your fax number? 6. What is your email address (Internet or CompuServe)? 7. How did you learn about Freeman Installer? [ ] Searched through the index of a ftp site [ ] Found it on CompuServe [ ] Recommended by a friend/colleague [ ] Found it on a BBS [ ] Found it on a shareware CD or catalogue [ ] Others. Please state:______________________________________ 8. What delivery method would you like? [ ] Internet email. I don't need to pay for the shipping [ ] Download from CompuServe. I don't need to pay for the shipping [ ] Air mail. I am in Australia, I will pay US$3 for the shipping [ ] Air mail. I am out of Australia, I will pay US$5 for the shipping 9. What kind of license you are applying for? [ ] Application license --> fee = the price of your application [ ] Author license. --> fee = us$30 [ ] Admin license. --> fee = us$1.5*(3**log(# of PCs or staff)) [ ] Organization license --> fee is negotiable 10. What is the total amount you need to pay (state any discount applicable)? [Proceed to next question only when you are applying for an] [application license, otherwise, you are done ] 11. What is your application? What does it do? 12. What is the price of it? [ ] It's freely available to anybody [ ] I am a student. I wrote it for my school/university, it's free [ ] Among the different versions (say, std/pro, unregistered/registered) I am going to distribute with Freeman Installer, the most expensive one costs us$______________________________________________ [ ] Others. Please state:______________________________________ 13. Is your application intended to be USED by the user? [ ] Yes. Proceed to next question [ ] No, it is a demo. Application rejected [ ] No, it is a beta. Application rejected [ ] No, it is out-dated. Application rejected 14. Where can one (not just me) buy/get it? [ ] ftp from the site: [ ] Directly from me. [ ] Order from a company at this address:______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ [ ] Others. Please state:______________________________________ I hereby declare that all the information provide here is correct and I will be responsible for any damage caused by any deceptive information I provide here. Signature: __________________