=============================================================================== Leading Zero Component This is my first pass at a component, so bear with me. The component was designed to take an integer value and convert it to a string value with leading or trailing zeros. I created for use with fixed length text flat files where I had to calculate running totals. Here are the published properties: {The input value - must be of type LongInt} property InputVal : LongInt read FInputVal write FInputVal; {The width of the string to return} property Width : Integer read FWidth write FWidth; {Justification - must be 'Right' or 'Left'} property Align : String read FAlign write FAlign; To use it you call the public function: function FillZeroes(rstSize, inVal : LongInt; aAlign : String ) : String; where: rstSize = The returned string size that you want (string width) inVal = input value aAlign = 'Right' or 'Left' justification For example, FillZeroes(8, 312, 'Right') would return: '00000312' =============================================================================== Installation Just add the LeadZero.dcu to your library, or add the PAS file, whichever is of use to you. =============================================================================== Note Since this is my first pass at a component, and this is really a simple one, I'd really appreciate any pointers or tips on how I could improve my code. Thanks!!! Brendan Delumpa 72410,520