Lenham Computer Services Limited 9 High Street Lenham Kent ME17 2QD UK CompuServe ID [72773,2016] This ZIP file contains a number of Shareware components, demonstrating one possible mechanism for licensing. The included components are : TSysInfo A System Information component, providing both design-time and run-time access to various Windows system resource information. TVerInfo A File Version Information component, providing both design-time and run-time access to File Version resource information (you will need a resource editor to create this information for your own apps). TStatusBar A 5-pane status bar, complete with time-of-day clock, KeyCaps and NumLock status, progress gauge and status text. Each Panel can be configured separately at design time and reconfigured at run-time, if required. To install these components, we suggest that you create a new sub-directory of your main delphi directory (e.g. c:\DELPHI\cmpnts where c is the drive where you installed Delphi), and extract all the files in the ZIP file into it. After that add this directory to your LIB search list (Options/Environment - Library) and then add the 3 components SYSINFO.DCU, VERINFO.DCU and STSBAR.DCU and rebuild your Delphi library (remember to back up your old one as a precaution - better safe than sorry). Do not add LICINFO.DCU which is used by these components to carry out licensing checks. If you find these components useful, please contact us at the above Compuserve Id for registered versions, and further information.