Bishops Puzzle (Bedroom)

Hint 1 of 10:
One thing you should remember is that bishops can't leave the color that
they start on.  Bishops that start on a white square must stay on white
squares, and bishops that start on black must stay on black.

Hint 2 of 10:
That also means that white square bishops can't affect black ones and vice
versa, so you can ignore one color while you're working on the other.  Keep
track of your moves, work on only one color, and then just use a mirror
image of those moves for the other color.

Hint 3 of 10:
A good starting move is to move the two center bishops each one square to
the a square in the center in the next column.  This move will free up some
of the bishops on the other side so they're not confined to the first line or
two.  An example of this move is E2 -> D3.

Hint 4 of 10:
It also helps to have both bishops on the same side sit in the same diagonal.
Remember that every diagonal that the bishops on one side occupies is closed
off to the bishops on the other side.  So if you put both bishops in the
same diagonal, you free up more diagonals for the other color.

Hint 5 of 10:
Likewise, try putting bishops in the corners.  Bishops in the corner only
cover one diagonal, so the other bishops are more free to move.
