MixWord chooses 7 words and places all the letters in a random order in a grid, your goal is to try to reconstitute all the words by sliding the letters in each row or column. For moving the letters you have just to click in the arrows around the grid. The number at the left and the top, guide you to find the solution. The number at left indicate the number of letters that this row have in common with one of a selected word beginning with this letter. The number at the top indicate how many letters in that column are in the same position in all the selected words. ROW In the first row we have a 0 this mean that no words begin by the letter W ( the first one in the row). But the 4th et 5th row have a number this means that 2 of the seven word begin by the letter B and V. All the other letter in the first column W, L, E , S and D are not the first letter of the hidden words. For the 4 th. row the number 3 means that in this row 3 letters are included (including the B) in the hidden word beginning by the letter of the first column. The same conclusion applies to the 5 th. rows with the number 4 at the left i.e.: Only 4 letters in this rows (including the first letter V) are in the hidden word beginning by the letter V. Always each of the 7 hidden word begin by a differents letters. COLUMN The number at the top of the first column : 2, indicates that only 2 letters in this column are the first letters of the 7 hiddens words, we can deduct that the 2 first letters is B and V because of the particularity of the first column. The number 2 at the top of the second row indicate that 2 letters of this column are placed in the second position in the 7 words. The number 3 at the top of the 3rd column mean that only 3 letters are in the 3rd place in all the hiddens words etc... When a displacement is made all the numbers change to reflect the new position of the letters in the grid in relation to the hidden words. Then with this clue you can solve the puzzle. Sometime you have enough information to guess the word but you can always find the solution by deduction by moving the letters in different ways. You can consult the demo to view the working of MixWord. When all the letters of a words are found the word became blue and freeze. All the other letters will pass over this words. If all the letters are in common with a hidden word but are not placed in the same order the number at the left became green. The same thing happens to a column when all the 7 letters of a column are in the same position in the word that the rank of the column the number at the top became green. The game is finish when you have found all the seven words. You can select the level of difficulty by choosing the size of the word ( see Commands) It is advised to look at the strategies topic to have some clues ( see Strategies ) This is a shareware version, you have a limited number of each word ( 30 for each size) in the registered version you have a selection of 1500 words for each size (see Registration).