F.C.C. RULES AND REGULATIONS STATION CLASSIFICATION AM Classification Class 1. Class 1 stations are clear channel stations with power not exceed- 50 kw. Their frequencies are protected from onterference up to 750 miles. Class 2. Class 2 stations are clear channel stations with power ranging from 50 kw to 250 kw. All class 2 stations must alter their signals at sunset so as not to interfere with class 1 stations. Class 3. These are stations with less coverage area than Class 1 or 2 stations These stations are assigned up to 5 kw ERP (effective radiated power). Class 4. Here are stations that operate at 1kw or lower. These stations have to sign off at sunset by law. FM Classification Class C. These are the most powerful of all FM stations. Stations in this class may be assigned a maximum ERP of 100 kw. and a tower height of 2000 feet. Class B. Class B stations operate up to 50 kw. The class B tower can not extend beyond a height of 500 feet. Class A. Class A station can not have an ERP in excess of 3 kw., and the tower can not exceed a height of 328 feet. Class D This is set aside for non-com mercial stations with 1o watts ERP. Class C1 These stations may transmit up to 100 kw. ERP with antennas not to ex- tend 984 feet. Class C2 These stations may transmit up to 50 kw. ERP with antennas not to ex- tend 492 feet. Class B1 These stations may transmit up to 25 kw. ERP with antennas not to ex- tend 328 feet. ENGINEER'S DUTIES The FCC requires that all stations designate someone as a chief engineer. A chief engineer is responsible for all of the station's technical operations. Equipment repair, weekly inspections and transmitter calibrations are all the tasks of the chief engineer. Other duties of the chief engineer include training technicians, monitoring radiation levels, and keeping track of station logs. STATION LOGS All stations must keep an engineering log. This document is to be kept on file for two years from it's inception. The station log must contain the following information: 1. Transmitter output 2. Changes in output 3. Tower Light Malfuctions 4. EBS Test Information 5. Operator on duty signatures. Entries must be made in the station log either manually by a properly lic- ensed operator in actual charge of the transmitting devices. Indications of operating parameters that are required to be logged must be logged prior to any adjustment of the equipment. Where adjustments are made to restore parameters to thier proper oper- ating values, the corrected indications must be logged and accompanied, if any parameter deviation was beyond the pre- scribed tolerance, by a notation descri- bing the nature of the corrective action Indications of all parameters whose val- ues are affected by the modulation of the carrier, must be read without modul- ation. The actual time of observation must be included in each log entry. EBS WARNINGS All stations are required to run a test of the E.B.S ( Emergency Broadcast System) at least once a week. This test is to be conducted and the results of it are to be logged on the station log. The date, time, and test result is to be put on the log along with the initials of Operator on Duty. Any failures of the EBS test are to be noted on the log. All EBS test warnings that are aired are to be accompannied with a disclaimer stating that the test is in fact a test. When a Weather Watch is reported to a station, this is where conditions are in a favorable position for the condition. No further action is needed by the fa- cility. However if the announcement is a Warning, the EBS tones must be sounded and the announcement must be made. This is to be properly logged. LICENSE a. The stations license and or other instrument of station authorization shall be posted in a conspicuous place, and in such a manner that all terms are visible at the place the licensee con- siders to be the principal control point of the transmitter. At all other control or ATS monitoring and alarm points a photocopy of the station of the station license and other authorizations shall be posted. b. The operator license of each sta- tion operator employed full time or part time or via a contract, shall be perman- ently posted and shall remain posted so long as the operator is employed by the licensee. Operators employed at two or more stations that are not co-located shall post their operator license or permit at one of the stations, and a photocopy of the license or permit at each other station. The operator license shall be posted where the operator is on duty either: (1) At the transmitter (2) At the extension meter location (3) At the remote control point (4) At the monitoring and alarm point c. Posting of the operator's license and the stations license, and any other instrument of authorization shall be done by affixing the licenses to a wall at the posting location, or by enclosing them in a binder or folder which is re- tained at the posting location, so that the documents will be readily available and easily accessible. The preceding was a comprehensive guide guide to the rules and regulations of Federal Communication Commission.