=== lines 1 to 39 affect demographics === Population Of Seniors|Outnumbers Teens Major Move Of Rural|People Into City African American|Population Increases Minorty Population|Moves Out Of Cities Recent Survey Shows|Mid-American Roots Local Police Activate|Curfew On Teens Rock Concert Brings|Huge Audience Country Show Brings|Huge Audience Hip Hop Craze Sweeps|The Local Streets Sold Out Performances|At The Jazz Beat People Stand In Line|At Big Band Shows Nostalgia Craze Of|The 50's Sweep Area Huge Reunion Concerts|Planned For Area Schools On Verge|Of Over Crowding Another New High|Rise For Seniors Project Population On The Rise The Second Annual Rodeo|Is Coming Here Top Movie Of The Year|"I Am The Hood" Top Movie Of The Year|"Urbane Cowboy" Top Movie Of The Year|"It Is The Jazz" Top Movie Of The Year|"The Teen Years" Top Movie Of The Year|"Grandma's Song" Top Movie Of The Year|"The Nifty 50's" Top Movie Of The Year|"Harley Heavens" Top Movie Of The Year|"Middle-Age Years" New Census Shows Growth|Of Ages 15-25 New Census Shows Growth|Of Ages 25-35 New Census Shows Growth|Of Ages 35-45 New Census Shows Growth|Of Ages 45-55 New Census Shows Growth|Of Ages 55-65 New Census Shows Growth|Of Ages 65-75 New Census Shows Growth|Of Ages 75+ Rock And Roll Museum|To Open In City Country Music Hall Of|Fame To Open Gangsta Rap Sweeps|The Town Nightly Are Poodle Skirts And|D.A's Returning Heavy Metal Pours From|Cars Everywhere Shopping Center For|Seniors Planned Local Jazz-Fest Attracts Thousands Office Buildings Dot|City-Scape Here Local Stock Exchange|Predicts Record Year Police To Add Extra|Patrols Every Night Local Radio Station|Increases Ratings Local Radio Station|Decreases Ratings People Picket Local|Radio Station People Praise Local|Radio Station Riverboat Gambling May|Be Coming Here Mall Gets Bombarded|By Live Turkeys Stereo Shop Get Held-Up|During Remote Radio Station Manager|Runs For Council Local D.J. Broadcasts|From Billboard Radio Station To Do|Drunk Driving Promo Concert At Arena Today|By Pam Bent-A-Car Concert At Arena Today|By Randy Millslop Concert At Arena Today|By Dan And Jean Concert At Arena Today|By Norris Night Concert At Arena Today|By Creature Club Concert At Arena Today|By Bang Crash'by Concert At Arena Today|By Benny Bunnigan Concert At Arena Today|By Mud Donor New Auto Plant To Open|On Town Outskirts New Shopping Mall To|Open Next Month Downtown Shopping Plaza|To Close In Days Inflation Hits Town Hard|In Recent Months Governor To Visit Town|Over The Weekend 12 People Show Up For|President's Visit New Theme Park To Be|Built By The Lake Sherwood Forest Software|To Open Offices Sherwood Forest Software|Posts Profits Sherwood Forest Software|Releases New Games High School Team Wins|State Playoffs Sunny Days In The Forecast Rainy Days In The Forecast Snowy Days In The Forecast Cloudy Days In The Forecast Library Voted Oldest|Building In Town Mayor And Council-Women|To Wed On Saturday Elderly Man Found Dead|Under State Bridge Yearly Polka Festival|Shut Down By L.C.B. Three Car Pile-Up|Occurs On Interstate Old City Hall Razed For|Parking Lot Space Software Strike Halts|Production In Area Statue Of Melvin Freebush|To Be Built Detective Martin Berringer|To Visit City Rascal The Racoon T.V.|Show To Debut On Pbs New Game Craze|"W.S.I.M. Radio" Do People Still Play|"The Old Rimshaw Place" Computer Sales On|The Increase Locally Yensid Dam On The|Verge Of Bursting First Columbus Day Parade|Is Cancelled Second Street Warehouse|Burns To Ashes