AMAZING MAZE(Z) TO AMAZE V1.4 You may spread this software everywhare! if the orginal LICENSE.TXT is with the setup! 12 levels in game! License! 1. This game is SHAREWARE and this means that you may test this software for a certain period, in this case only 10 days! 2. This product is offered "as is," and no warranty is offered (express or implied) as to the suitability, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The user assumes the full risk when using this product.. 2.b The author may not be responsible of any damage,loss data or loss profits. No warranty is offered! 4. If you dont like this game and dont want to register this software then you must erase this software from your harddrive and never use it again! 5. If you like this game, and want to play this game longer than the 10 day period then you should register this software by sending $7 US, £5 GPB or in SWEDEN 50:- kr to the adress below! Cheques in Swedish (SEK) 50:- only! All cheques payable to the author *Esa Myllyla* only! You can send the cash by letter in a carborn paper. ! Esa Myllyla Trollbacka Boksjon S-618 33 Kolmarden SWEDEN -------------------------------------------------------------- The 16 bit version works with! Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11 and Windows 95 486 DX-66 (minimum), Pentium recomended 8 megabyte, can work with 4 meg? Soundcard 8 or 16 bit! VGA 256 colors minimum!, works fine on SVGA! The 32 Bit version works with! Windows 95 and NT 4.XX 486 DX-66 (minimum), Pentium recomended 8 megabyte Soundcard 8 or 16 bit! VGA 256 colors minimum!, works fine on SVGA! Windows 95 users Sometimes can 16 bit version work better than the 32 bit version so get the 16 bit version if the 32 bit version are slow! Some computers does not work with Direct X depending how fast your computer is, if you want to use Direct X change it on setup, Grafhic driver, the setup is installed as Windows Normal! Please register this software! Please support Shareware!