Demo dialog( ~A~bout... ~R~efresh display ~C~lear desktopc ~F~ile ~O~pen demo dialog... ~N~ewf ~S~aveg S~a~ve as...h Save a~l~li ~C~hange dir...j ~P~rintk ~G~et info...l ~D~OS shellm E~x~it Alt-X ~E~dit ~R~estore lineo Cu~t~ Shift-Del ~C~opy Ctrl-Ins ~P~aste Shift-Ins Copy ~e~xamplet ~S~how clipboardu C~l~ear Ctrl-Del ~S~earch ~F~ind...2 ~R~eplace...3 ~S~earch again4 ~G~o to line number...| Find ~p~rocedure...} Find ~e~rror...~ ~R~un ~R~un Ctrl-F9 ~P~rogram reset Ctrl-F2 ~G~o to cursor ~T~race into ~S~tep over P~a~rameters... ~C~ompile ~C~ompile Alt-F9 ~M~ake ~B~uild ~D~estination Memory ~P~rimary file... ~D~ebug ~E~valuate/modify... Ctrl-F4 ~W~atches ~A~dd watch... Ctrl-F7 ~D~elete watch ~E~dit watch... ~R~emove all watches ~T~oggle breakpoint Ctrl-F8 ~B~reakpoints... ~O~ptions ~C~ompiler... ~M~emory sizes... ~L~inker... De~b~ugger... ~D~irectories... ~E~nvironment ~P~references... ~E~ditor... ~M~ouse... ~S~tartup... ~C~olors... ~S~ave options ... ~R~etrieve options... ~W~indow ~S~ize/Move Ctrl-F5 ~Z~oom ~T~ile C~a~scade ~N~ext ~P~revious Shift-F6 ~C~lose Alt-F3 ~W~atch ~R~egister ~O~utput Call stac~k~ Ctrl-F3 ~U~ser screen Alt-F5 ~L~ist... Alt-0 ~H~elp ~C~ontents ~I~ndex Shift-F1 ~T~opic search Ctrl-F1 ~P~revious topic Alt-F1 ~H~elp on help Warning Error Information;There is not enough memory available to complete operation. Resource not found: %s.;Value not within the valid range. Valid range is: %d - %d Invalid file name or extension. TURBO.TPL not found. TURBO.TPL is invalid. Invalid drive or directory.&Type EXIT to return to Turbo Pascal...3DOS shell will terminate current debugging session.-Invalid address value. Format is "xxxx:yyyy". Error updating TURBO.EXE file. TURBO.TPLZChanges are written directly to TURBO.EXE and do not take effect until you reload the IDE.0Tile/Cascade area too small to complete request.INot enough memory to load new editor key bindings. Old bindings retained.,Low heap limit greater than high heap limit.$Not enough memory to load TURBO.TPL.;Invalid breakpoint in %s on line %d. Set breakpoint anyway? Too many breakpoints.AInvalid breakpoint(s) encountered. Clear all invalid breakpoints?2No debug info for program entry point. Run anyway? No code generated for this line. User break. Program terminated. User break in %s line %d.#Line too complex for step or trace.!Not enough memory to run program. Cannot load EXE file. Cannot run a unit. Invalid condition: %s.2Conditional breakpoint "%s" in %s line %d is true."Source has been modified. Rebuild? Procedure not found. Too many breakpoints in file. Press any key to return...7Cannot find source file. Source position is %s line %d. Error address not found. Error %d: %s. Error %d: %s (%s). Target address found Out of memory Identifier expected Unknown identifier Duplicate identifier Syntax error Error in real constant Error in integer constant String constant exceeds line Too many nested files Unexpected end of file Line too long Type identifier expected Too many open files Invalid filename File not found Disk full Invalid compiler directive Too many files$Undefined type in pointer definition Variable identifier expected Error in type Structure too large Set base type out of range+File components may not be files or objects Invalid string length Type mismatch Invalid subrange base type$Lower bound greater than upper bound Ordinal type expected Integer constant expected Constant expected!Integer or real constant expected Pointer type identifier expected Invalid function result type Label identifier expected BEGIN expected END expected Integer expression expected Ordinal expression expected Boolean expression expected#Operand types do not match operator Error in expression Illegal assignment Field identifier expected Object file too large Undefined external Invalid object file record Code segment too large Data segment too large DO expected Invalid PUBLIC definition Invalid EXTRN definition Too many EXTRN definitions OF expected INTERFACE expected Invalid relocatable reference THEN expected TO or DOWNTO expected Undefined forward Cannot be modified Invalid type cast Division by zero Invalid file type+Cannot Read or Write variables of this type Pointer variable expected String variable expected String expression expected Circular unit reference Unit name mismatch Unit version mismatch Unit file format error IMPLEMENTATION expected$Constant and CASE types do not match Record variable expected Constant out of range File variable expected Pointer expression expected#Integer or real expression expected Label not within current block Label already defined+Undefined label in preceding statement part Invalid @ argument UNIT expected ";" expected ":" expected "," expected "(" expected ")" expected "=" expected ":=" expected "[" or "(." expected "]" or ".)" expected "." expected ".." expected Too many variables Invalid FOR control variable Integer variable expected-File and procedure types are not allowed here String length mismatch Invalid ordering of fields String constant expected!Integer or real variable expected Ordinal variable expected INLINE error Character expression expected Too many relocation items Compilation aborted CASE constant out of range Error in statement"Cannot call an interrupt procedure $Must be in 8087 mode to compile this Target address not found"Include files are not allowed here NIL expected Invalid qualifier Invalid variable reference Too many symbols Statement part too large Files must be var parameters Too many conditional symbols Misplaced conditional directive ENDIF directive missing$Error in initial conditional defines)Header does not match previous definition Critical disk error Cannot evaluate this expression!Expression incorrectly terminated Invalid format specifier Invalid indirect reference)Structured variables are not allowed here#Cannot evaluate without System unit Cannot access this symbol Invalid floating point operation!Cannot compile overlays to memory'Procedure or function variable expected'Invalid procedure or function reference Cannot overlay this unit Too many nested scopes File access denied Object type expected"Local object types are not allowed VIRTUAL expected Method identifier expected$Virtual constructors are not allowed Constructor identifier expected Destructor identifier expected%Fail only allowed within constructors*Invalid combination of opcode and operands Memory reference expected*Cannot add or subtract relocatable symbols Invalid register combination$286/287 instructions are not enabled Invalid symbol reference Code generation error ASM expected Runtime error Invalid DOS function code File not found Path not found Too many open files File access denied Invalid file handle Not enough memory Invalid file access code Invalid drive number Cannot remove current directory Cannot rename across drives Disk read error Disk write error File not assigned File not open File not open for input File not open for output Invalid numeric format Disk is write-protected Drive not ready CRC error in data Disk seek error Sector not found Printer out of paper Device write fault Device read fault Hardware failure Division by zero Range check error Stack overflow error Heap overflow error Invalid pointer operation Floating point overflow Floating point underflow Invalid floating point operation Overlay manager not installed Overlay file read error Object not initialized Call to abstract method Stream registration error Collection index out of range Collection overflow error No program %s compiled %s running %s terminated, exit code %d Dec% %-12s %-9d %3s %2d, %4d %2d:%02d%cm% %-12s %-9s %3s %2d, %4d %2d:%02d%cm Directory Too many files to display. Loading %s. Saving %s. %c%s: %s Too many watches. Memory Disk TURBO.HLP#Cannot locate help file, TURBO.HLP. Invalid help file, TURBO.HLP. TURBO PASCAL HELP FILE. $*$* &&&&$*$ Clipboard Line too long, truncated. Too many lines, ignoring extra.(Not enough virtual memory for operation. Heap failure. Read error, file truncated.%File too large to complete operation. Search string not found. Replace this occurrence? %s has been modified. Save? File %s not found. File %s could not be created."Error encountered reading file %s. Unable to open file %s.$Unable to create backup file for %s."File %s already exists. Overwrite? File %s is read only. TURBO.TP Invalid configuration file. Invalid desk top file. Reading configuration file. Writing configuration file. Reading desk top file. Writing desk top file. Unable to create desk top file.$Unable to create configuration file. Disk full.!Error writing configuration file.!Error reading configuration file."Unable to open configuration file.!Error writing configuration file. Error reading desktop file. System commands0File management commands (Open, New, Save, etc.) Cut-and-paste editing commands Text and error search commands(Execute or single-step through a program Compile to disk or memory>Evaluate expressions, modify data, set breakpoints and watches8Set defaults for compiler, editor, mouse, debugger, etc. Open, arrange, and list windows Get online help&Show version and copyright information Redraw the screen5Close all windows on the desktop, clear history lists,Open a demo dialog stored in a resource file&Create a new file in a new Edit window'Save the file in the active Edit windowASave the current file under a different name, directory, or drive Save all modified files Choose a new default directory,Print the contents of the active Edit window Show status information Temporarily exit to DOS Exit Turbo Pascal6Cancel edits to the current line in active Edit window4Remove the selected text and put it in the Clipboard)Copy the selected text into the Clipboard>Insert selected text from the Clipboard at the cursor positionSearch for a procedure or function declaration while debugging2Move the cursor to the position of a runtime error Run the current program)Halt debugging session and release memory3Run program from the run bar to the cursor position=Execute next statement, stopping within the current procedure;Execute next statement, skipping over the current procedure3Set command-line parameters to be passed to program Compile source file?Rebuild source file and all other files that have been modified'Rebuild source file and all other filesSave and restore all video RAM for debugging graphics programsASave and restore EGA/VGA palette when debugging graphics programs>Slow down IDE video output to prevent "snow" on some CGA cards Use LCD colorset in IDEAUse expanded memory (EMS) to improve IDE performance and capacity Load TURBO.TPL at startup$Adjust IDE internal window heap size$Adjust IDE internal editor heap size%Adjust IDE internal overlay heap size.Use a RAM disk or fast drive for IDE swap file(View a help screen about this dialog box?Use cursor keys to select an IDE group and customize its colors:Use cursor keys to select an item and customize its colors;Use cursor keys to change foreground color of selected item;Use cursor keys to change background color of selected item0Select low intensity text on a monochrome system1Select high intensity text on a monochrome system.Select underscored text on a monochrome system0Select inverse video text on a monochrome system(View a help screen about this dialog box Perform the action Do not perform the action(View help on highlighted cross reference= Dialog MainMenu Strings