ANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED PASCAL QUESTIONS ============================================ 1... Q. How do I pass an error level code when my program finishes? A. The halt procedure takes an optional parameter of type word. Thus - halt(1); terminates the program with an errorlevel of 1. If halt is used without a parameter it is the same as - halt(0); Note: When a program is terminated using the halt procedure any exit procedure that has previously been set up is executed. 2... Q. How do I empty the keyboard buffer? A. There are several ways that this can be achieved. However the safest is - while Keypressed do ch := ReadKey; This requires that a variable ch of type char is declared and the crt unit be used. To do it without using a variable - while Keypressed do while ReadKey = #0 do; or if using TP6 with extended syntax enabled - while KeyPressed do ReadKey; If you do not wish to incur the substantial overhead involved with the use of the CRT unit and there is no requirement for the program to run under a multi-tasker - var head : byte absolute $40:$1c; tail : byte absolute $40:$1e; tail := head; 3... Q. When I redirect the screen output of my programs to a file the file is empty and the output still appears on the screen. What am I doing wrong? A. You are probably using the CRT unit and its default method of writing to stdout is by direct screen writes. In order to enable output to be redirected all writes must be done by DOS. Setting the variable DirectVideo to false has no effect on redirection as all it does is use the BIOS for screen writes - not DOS. To enable redirection you must not use the CRT unit OR assign(output,''); rewrite(output); This will make all output go through DOS and thus can be redirected if desired. To restore the default situation - AssignCRT(output); rewrite(output); 4... Q. How do I make a string that is lower or mixed case all uppercase? A. There are several ways to convert lower case characters to upper case. Here are some of them. As a procedure (excluding asm code this is the fastest way) procedure StrUpper(var st: string); var x : byte; begin for x := 1 to length(st) do st[x] := UpCase(st[x]); end; As a function (slower but sometimes more convenient) - function StrUpper(st: string): string; var x : byte; begin StrUpper[0] := st[0]; for x := 1 to length(st) do StrUpper[x] := UpCase(st[x]); end; Both the above are suitable for the English language . However from version 4.0 onwards, DOS has had the facility to do this in a way that is country (language) specific. I am indebted to Norbert Igl for the basic routine. I have modified his code slightly. For the anti-goto purists this is a good example of a goto that is convenient, efficient, self-documenting and structured. The dos calls would make this method the slowest of all. function StrUpper(s: string): string; { Country specific string-to-uppercase conversion. Requires DOS unit } label fail; var regs : registers; x : byte; begin if lo(DosVersion) >= 4 then begin with regs do begin ax := $6521; ds := seg(s); dx := ofs(s[1]); cx := length(s); msdos(regs); if odd(flags) then { the attempted conversion failed so } goto fail; end; { with } end { if DOS >= 4.0 } else fail: for x := 1 to length(s) do s[x] := UpCase(s[x]); StrUpper := s; end; { StrUpper } 5... Q. When I include ANSI codes in a string and write that string to the screen the actual codes appear on the screen, rather than the results they are supposed to achieve. A. In order for ANSI codes to be interpreted, screen writes must be directed through DOS and there must have been a suitable driver loaded via the config.sys file at boot time. All output can be directed through DOS and the driver by - Not using the crt unit OR - assign(output,''); rewrite(output); in which case ALL screen writes are "ANSI code sensitive" OR - You can set up write procedures that will be "ANSI code sensitive". (You will need an initialisation procedure to set this up.) var ansi : text; procedure AssignANSI(var ansifile : text); begin assign(ansifile,'CON'); rewrite(ansifile); end; { AssignANSI } procedure WriteANSI(var st: string); begin write(ansi,st) end; { WriteANSI } procedure WriteLnANSI(var st: string); begin writeANSI(st); writeln(ansi); end; { WriteANSI } ObviousLy, if the ANSI.SYS driver (or an equivalent) is not installed none of the above can work. Setting the variable DirectVideo in the CRT unit to false will not achieve the desired result as this merely turns off direct screen writes and uses the BIOS for all screen output. 6... Q. When I try to shell to DOS nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? A. In order to be able to execute any child process there must be sufficient memory available for it to load and execute. Unless you advise differently at compile time, a Turbo Pascal program grabs all available memory for itself when it is loaded. To reserve memory for a child process use the compiler memory directive - {$M 16384,0,0) the default is - {$M 16384,0,655360} The first figure - StackMin - is the amount of memory to be allocated for the stack: Minimum is: 1024 Default is: 16384 Maximum is: 65520 The next figure - HeapMin -is the minumum amount of memory to be allocated for the heap. If there is less memory available than this figure the program will not load. Minimum is: 0 Default is: 0 Maximum is: 655360 In practice it will be the amount of free memory less the space required for the stack, less the code space of the program. You should set this to 0 unless your program uses the heap. In that case, set it to the lowest possible figure to prevent heap allocation errors. In most cases it is best to leave it at zero and do error checking within the program for sufficient memory at allocation time. The last figure is the crucial on as regards child processes. It should always be low enough to leave memory left over for a child process and high enough not to cause problems for the program when allocating heap memory. Minimum is: HeapMin Default is: 655360 Maximum is: 655360 If less than the requested amount is available no error is reorted. Instead all available memory is allocated for heap use. 7... Q. How do I shell to DOS? A. SwapVectors; exec(GetEnv('COMSPEC',''); SwapVectors; Read previous section on memory allocation. I find that it is a good idea to write my own Exec function which will do everything that is needed for me. I have it return an integer value that is the DosError code. function Exec(p1,p2: string); begin SwapVectors; Dos.Exec(p1,p2); SwapVectors; Exec := DosError; end; This enables me to have a statement such as - ReportError(Exec(GetEnv('COMPSEC'),'')); Now you can have an empty ReportError procedure or you can make it report the error - whatever is suitable for you application. 8... Q. When I execute a child process redirection does not work. Why? A. Redirection of a child process's output only works if it is run under another copy of the command processor. So - exec('YourProg.exe',' > nul'); will not work but exec(GetEnv('COMSPEC'),'/c YourProg > nul'); will work. 9... Q. How do I read an errorlevel from a child process? A. After executing a child process the errorlevel returned can be read by calling the DosExitCode function which returns a word. The low byte is the errorlevel. A full description is in the manual. If the command interpreter is the child process and it in turn executes a child process then the errorlevel of the second child process cannot be read without resorting to some trickery. 10... Q. When I read a text file that has lines exceeding 255 characters I lose all those characters from the 256th one on each time there is a line that exceeds that length. How can I prevent this? A. Turbo Pascal's readln procedure reads a line up to the 255th character then skips to the next line. To get around this you should declare a buffer at least as large as the longest possible line and then use the read procedure. The best size for the buffer is a multiple of 2048 bytes. const BufferSize = 2048; LineLength = 78; type textbuffer = array[1..BufferSize] of char; var st : string; f : text; buffer : textbuffer; function ReadTxtLn(var tf: text; var s: string; max: byte): integer; { Reads a string of a maximum length from a text file } var len : byte absolute s; begin len := 0; {$I-} while (len < max) and not eoln(tf) do begin inc(len); read(tf); end; if eoln(tf) then readln(tf); ReadTxtLn := IOResult; {$I+} end; { ReadTxtLn } begin assign(f,filename); reset(f); SetTextBuf(f,buffer); while not eof(f) and (ReadTxtLn(f,st,LineLength) = 0) do writeln(st); close(f); end. 11... Q. How do I convert nul terminated asciiz strings to Turbo Pascal strings? A. Here is a function that will do that - function Asc2Str(var s; max: byte): string; { Converts an ASCIIZ string to a Turbo Pascal string } { with a maximum length of max. } var starray : array[1..255] of char absolute s; len : integer; begin len := pos(#0,starray)-1; { Get the length } if (len > max) or (len < 0) then { length exceeds maximum } len := max; { so set to maximum } Asc2Str := starray; Asc2Str[0] := chr(len); { Set length } end; { Asc2Str } 12... Q. How can I tell if a particular bit of a variable is set or not? How can I set it? How can I turn it off? How can I make a large bit map and then determine if a particular bit - say bit 10000 is on/of? A. This question, or a variation of it, is one of the most commonly asked questions in the echo and there are several ways of doing what is wanted. None are necessarily right or wrong. The way I will describe is designed to take up as little code/data space as possible. I do not attempt to explain the theory behind these functions as this can be obtained from any good book. The use of sets can be the best bit manipulation method if you have control over the data being used. Here is an example of a byte variable for a BBS program which sets various user access level flags. Bit 0 = Registered User 1 = Twit 2 = Normal 3 = Extra 4 = Privileged 5 = Visiting Sysop 6 = Assistant Sysop 7 = Sysop type status_type = (Registered, Twit, Normal, Extra, Privileged, VisitingSysop, AssistantSysop, Sysop); status_level = set of status_type; var access_flags : status_level; Let us assume you have someone who logs on and you wish to determine his user access level. After reading access_flags from the user data file - if Sysop in access_flags then .... To set the sysop flag - access_flags := access_flags + [Sysop]; To reset the sysop flag - access_flags := access_flags - [Sysop]; However on many occasions using a set may not be a suitable method. You may simply need to know if bit 5 is set or not. Here is the method that I consider the best - function BitIsSet(var V, bit: byte): boolean; begin BitIsSet := odd(V shr bit); end; To set a bit - procedure SetBit(var V: byte; bit: byte); begin V := V or (1 shl bit); end; To reset a bit - procedure ResetBit(var V: byte; bit: byte); begin V := V and not(1 shl bit); end; To toggle (flip) a bit - procedure ToggleBit(var V: byte; bit: byte); begin V := V xor (1 shl bit); end; Now a bit map can be made up from an array of bytes. If stored on the heap you can test any bit up to number 524159 (zero based). Here's how. type map = array[0..maxsize] of byte; { set maxsize to number of bits div 8 -1 needed in the bit map } function BitSetInBitMap(var x; numb : longint): boolean; { Tests the numb bit in the bitmap array } var m: map absolute x; begin BitSetInBitMap := odd(m[numb shr 3] shr (numb and 7)); end; procedure SetBitInBitMap(var x; numb: word); { Sets the numb bit in the bitmap array } var m: map absolute x; begin m[numb shr 3] := m[numb shr 3] or (1 shl (numb and 7)) end; procedure ResetBitInBitMap(var x; numb : longint); { Resets the numb bit in the bitmap array } var m: map absolute x; begin m[numb shr 3] := m[numb shr 3] and not(1 shl (numb and 7)); end; procedure ToggleBitInBitMap(var x; numb : longint); { Toggles (flips) the numb bit in the bitmap array } var m: map absolute x; begin m[numb shr 3] := m[numb shr 3] xor (1 shl (numb and 7)); end; 13... Q. How can I find a particular string in any file - text or binary? A. The Boyer-Moore string search algorithm is considered to be the fastest method available. However in a rare worst-case scenario it can be slightly slower than a linear brute-force method. The following demonstration program will show how it works and could easily be modified to allow for command line paramters etc. program BMSearchDemo; type bigarray = array[0..32767] of byte; baptr = ^bigarray; BMTable = array[0..255] of byte; const KeyStr : string = 'Put whatever you want found here'; fname : string = 'f:\Filename.txt'; var Btable : BMtable; buffer : baptr; f : file; result, position : word; offset : longint; finished, Strfound : boolean; procedure MakeBMTable(var t : BMtable; var s); { Makes a Boyer-Moore search table. s = the search string t = the table } var st : BMtable absolute s; slen: byte absolute s; x : byte; begin FillChar(t,sizeof(t),slen); for x := slen downto 1 do if (t[st[x]] = slen) then t[st[x]] := slen - x end; function BMSearch(var buff,st; size : word): word; { Not quite a standard Boyer-Moore algorithm search routine } { To use: pass buff as a dereferenced pointer to the buffer} { st is the string being searched for } { size is the size of the buffer } { If st is not found, returns $ffff } var buffer : bigarray absolute buff; s : array[0..255] of byte absolute st; len : byte absolute st; s1 : string absolute st; s2 : string; count, x : word; found : boolean; begin s2[0] := chr(len); { sets the length to that of the search string } found := false; count := pred(len); while (not found) and (count < (size - len)) do begin if (buffer[count] = s[len]) then { there is a partial match } begin if buffer[count-pred(len)] = s[1] then { less partial! } begin move(buffer[count-pred(len)],s2[1],len); found := s1 = s2; { if = it is a complete match } BMSearch := count - pred(len); { will stick unless not found } end; inc(count); { bump by one char - match is irrelevant } end else inc(count,Btable[buffer[count]]); { no match so increment maximum } end; if not found then BMSearch := $ffff; end; { BMSearch } begin new(buffer); assign(f,fname); reset(f,1); offset := 0; MakeBMTable(Btable,KeyStr); repeat BlockRead(f,buffer^,sizeof(buffer^),result); position := BMSearch(buffer^,KeyStr,result); finished := (result < sizeof(buffer^)) or (position <> $ffff); if position = $ffff then inc(offset,result); Strfound := position <> $ffff; until finished; close(f); if Strfound then writeln('Found at offset ',offset) else writeln('Not found'); end. 14... Q. How can I put a apostrophe in a string? A. Just put in extra apostrophes. If you want st to be equal to the string - The word 'quoted' is in quotes do this - st := 'The word ''quoted'' is in quotes'; if you want the following to be written to screen - 'This is a quoted string' do this - writeln('''This is a quoted string'''); 15... Q. What are the best books to purchase to help me learn Turbo Pascal? A. There are many good books for learners. Here are a few - Complete Turbo Pascal - Third Edition - Jeff Duntemann Mastering Turbo Pascal 6 - Tom Swann Turbo Pascal - The Complete Reference - O'Brien. For advanced users there are also many good books. Here are a few that I have found useful - (Those marked with an asterisk are not purely for Turbo Pascal) Turbo Pascal 6 - Techniques and Utilities - Rubenking Turbo Pascal Internals - Tischer * PC System Programming for Developers - Tischer * Undocumented DOS - Schulman Any learner would be well advised to obtain a well known library such as Technojock's Turbo Toolkit (TTT) which is shareware and study the source code.