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    Procedures And Functions

    Procedure StringToDate      (Strg:String; Var Date:TimeDate;
                                 Const Style:Byte; Var Code:Integer);
    Procedure DateToString      (Date:TimeDate; Var Strg:String;
                                 Const Style:Byte);
    Procedure StringToTime      (Strg:String; Var Time:TimeDate;
                                 Var Code:Integer);
    Procedure TimeToString      (Time:TimeDate; Var Strg:String);
    Procedure MMDDToDDMM        (DateIn:String; Var DateOut:String);
    Procedure GetTimeDate       (Var Time:TimeDate);
    Procedure PredMin           (Const TimeIn:TimeDate; Var TimeOut:TimeDate);
    Procedure PredHour          (Const TimeIn:TimeDate; Var TimeOut:TimeDate);
    Procedure UntotalDays       (      Total:LongInt;   Var Date:TimeDate);
    Procedure DayOfWeek         (Var   Date:TimeDate);
    Function  DayOfYear         (Const Date:TimeDate):Word;
    Function  TotalMonths       (Const Date:TimeDate):LongInt;
    Function  TotalDays         (Const Date:TimeDate):LongInt;
    Function  TotalHalfHrs      (Const Time:TimeDate):Byte;
    Function  TotalMinutes      (Const Time:TimeDate):Word;
    Function  TotalSeconds      (Const Time:TimeDate):LongInt;
    Function  Totalms           (Const Time:TimeDate):LongInt;
    Function  ChangedTime       (Const Time1, Time2:TimeDate):Boolean;
    Function  ChangedTimeDate   (Const Time1, Time2:TimeDate):Boolean;
    Function  ChangedDate       (Const Date1, Date2:TimeDate):Boolean;
    Function  DaysInMonth       (Month:Byte;Year:Word):Byte;
    Function  DaysInYear        (Year:Word):Word;

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