OUTPUT TO PRINTERS. ฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿ Printers may be connected to the parallel printer connector (Centronics, 25-way D-type), if they use the standard parallel interface. Alternatively, if they use the standard serial interface, they may be connected to the serial interface connector (RS232 25-way D-type), which also serves as a communications link. The port connections for any computer can be determined by using the DOS command DEVICE, which returns a screen message similar to the one below: ษออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป บ Amstrad PC2086 Device Assignments (1.0) บ บ Copyright (C) Amstrad plc 1988 บ ศออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ SERIAL/PARALLEL PORTS COM1: 03F8 (Internal) COM2: Not Assigned LPT1: 0378 (Internal) LPT2: Not Assigned LPT3: Not Assigned VIDEO Display Adapter ............. Internal PVGA (Colour-80) Current Video Mode .......... 03h Multi-Frequency Mode ........ Disabled Auto Mono/Colour switching .. Enabled Display Option Switch 3 ..... Off Display Option Switch 4 ..... Off DISK DRIVES AND ADAPTERS Drive A type is 720K Bytes, 3.5 inch, With Changeline Drive B type is 720K Bytes, 3.5 inch, With Changeline Maths Co-processor (NDP) Not Fitted Hard Disk drive C: 768 tracks, 3 heads, 27 sectors/track (31Mb) --------------------------------------------------------------- The serial ports are usually called COM1 and COM2, whilst the parallel printer ports are referred to as LPT1, LPT2 and LPT3. The addresses of these ports are also given, so that data can be sent to the port instead of memory. The note COMPORT.TXT describes Direct Memory and Port Access and Communication and further information can be found in the IBM PC Technical Reference Manual. Turbo Pascal and DOS describe the display, the keyboard and printers as Devices. Pages 134-6 of the Programmer's Guide discuss Devices. A unit, called PRINTER, is available in Turbo Pascal, and a text-file variable Lst is declared, which enables output to be sent to the printer. A simple example program is: Program testPtr; Uses Printer; Begin Writeln(Lst,'Text to printer on parallel port'); End. PRINTER.TXT 16.11.91