FILE TYPES. ßßßßßßßßßßß Files are described by a name of up to 8 characters plus an extension name of up to 3 characters. Whereas the file name is selected by the user, the extension name is frequently defined by the system in use. Some typical extension names relevant to MS-DOS and Turbo Pascal are: .BAK Backup source file - a resaved file automatically saves the original as a .BAK file. .BAT Batch file containing a sequence of MS-DOS command lines. .BGI Borland Graphics Interface file, for screen display. .COM Compiled file, which is an executable file from MS-DOS. .EXE Executable file from MS-DOS. .HLP Help file. .PAS Pascal source code file. .SYS System file used by MS-DOS. .TPL Turbo Pascal Library File. .TPU Turbo Pascal Unit file. .TXT Text file in ASCII format. Source code, written in a high level language, such as Pascal, is converted into Object code (machine language) by a Compiler. Whereas Turbo Pascal, version 3, created .COM files at compilation, version 6.0 now creates .EXE files. FILETYPE.TXT 18.4.90