Modification to Procedure MemoryCheck in the program HeapList.pas and to the Procedure DosDebug in the program TwoLinks.pas ----------------------------------------------------------------- The function DebugPath searches for DEBUG.EXE and if not found then searches for DEBUG.COM. Use is made of the Turbo Pascal functions FSearch and GetEnv and the resultant DebugPath, of type Pathstr, is passed to the Exec call of the procedure MemoryCheck (or DosDebug). The new code is shown below: Procedure MemoryCheck; Function DebugPath : Pathstr; var DPath : PathStr; begin DPath := ''; DPath := FSearch('DEBUG.EXE', GetEnv('PATH')); If DPath = '' then DPath := FSearch('DEBUG.COM', GetEnv('PATH')); If DPath = '' then begin writeln('DEBUG file not found. Please check your DOS system.'); writeln; writeln('Press any key to continue: '); repeat until keypressed; end; DebugPath := DPath; end; {of Function DebugPath} begin writeln('Please wait for prompt (-) of DOS Debug, now being called by Exec procedure.'); writeln('Then type D followed by a space and then the HeapOrg address (above) and ENTER.'); writeln('Finally, after studying the contents of memory, type Q and press ENTER to quit.'); writeln; SwapVectors; Exec(DebugPath,''); If DosError <> 0 then writeln('Dos error # ',DosError); SwapVectors; end; -------------------------------------------------------------- The same function DebugPath is used in the program TwoLinks.pas, but here it is included in the procedure DosDebug, which was the name used in place of MemoryCheck in TwoLinks.pas. R Shaw 17.3.93