Release 1.1: November 29, 1992 ================================= Summary of changes: ------------------- 1. Added two new configurable attributes: R_LREXIT and R_KEYVALIDBLOCK. 2. Added a new example: #6. 3. Corrected the file CR.BAT. 4. Corrected the file DEMO.DOC. Description of changes: ----------------------- 1. Added another configurable attribute, R_LREXIT. This attribute defines a logical value. When it is TRUE, the LEFT and RIGHT arrows behave like UP and DOWN if the cursor is in the leftmost or rightmost positon. Defaults to TRUE. Note: If READEXIT() is TRUE, the the LEFT and RIGHT keys also serve as ADread() exit keys. Note: If the LEFT key is pressed, and the cursor moves to a previous Get, the cursor initially goes to the last column position. See DEMO.PRG and Example #1 in READ.DOC. 2. Added another configurable attribute, R_KEYVALIDBLOCK. This attribute points to a code block that validates every key press before it is entered into the Get buffer. It is an enhancement to the PICTURE clause. For example, if you are editing a phone number and you are limiting the area codes to "703", "202" and "301" only. You cannot do that with a PICTURE clause. You can use a VALID clause, but the validation is done after pressing the Enter key. With the R_KEYVALIDBLOCK attribute, you can validate the first three positions much like the PICTURE clause validates every key stroke, that is, as soon as they are pressed. See DEMO.PRG and Example #2 in DEMO.DOC. 3. Added Example #6 in Read.doc. This example demonstrates how to validate the READ as a whole. With ADread(), you can now do three types of validation: a. Key-wise validation, as described in item #2 above. b. Get-wise validation, with the VALID clause. c. Read-wise validation, as illustrated in Example #6. 4. Corrected CR.BAT. There was a minor error in the batch file included in the original PDREAD.ZIP package. 5. Corrected Read.Doc. The corections are needed because: a. The structure of the return value of ADread() was erroneously described in the original package. b. ADr_varput() was erroneously described.