Quick Start ----------- Compile and link Demo.prg by typing "CR DEMO ", or CB DEMO ", depending on whether you use Rtlink or Blinker. Tutorial -------- Study Demo.doc. Compile/link/run the various examples. Contents of PDRD1.ZIP ---------------------- 1. Read.doc - detailed description of ADread(), the mouseable and configurable replacement of READ. Several ready to compile/run/link examples are included. 2. Read.lib - library containing ADread() and other supporting fuctions extracted from the Frankie Clipper 5.01 library. 3. Read.ch - the include file 4. Demo.prg - a demonstration program 5. Demo.dbf - database file used by Demo.prg and the examples in Read.doc 6. Demo.dbt - the associated memo file 7. Cr.bat - a batch file to compile and link Demo.prg and the examples from Read.doc, using Rtlink. 8. Cb.bat - a batch file to compile and link Demo.prg and the examples from Read.doc, using Blinker. 7. Readme.txt - this file 8. Read.key - default ADread() keys and mouse spots 9. Whatsnew.txt - a list of changes Ongoing ADread() enhancements and extension ------------------------------------------- 1. Popup support for Get/Read operations. This uses ADvermenu(), another mouseable and configurable function extracted from Frankie. 2. General purpose one-get, two-gets, n-gets routines. Other Frankie Clipper 5.01 Library Extracts ------------------------------------------- Read.Lib is the third of a series of extracts from the Frankie library. The others are: 1. Vermenu.Lib (PDVM.ZIP, 36K) - a mouseable ACHOICE() replacement 2. Picklist.Lib (PDPL.ZIP, 10K) - mouseable picklists (and taglists) of files, directories, drives and fields. 3. Boxmenu.Lib (PDBM.ZIP, 22K) - a mousable ALERT() replacement Coming out shortly will be Browse.Lib (PDDB.ZIP), a mouseable and extendable database browser. If you need to get in touch with the author ------------------------------------------- I may be contacted through CompuServe 71165,1023. Or if you prefer to write, my mailing address is 6884 Brian Michael Ct, Springfield, VA 22153. BTW, my name is Angelito Dizon, and READ.LIB is FREE.