(3521) Fri 17 Jul 92 6:57 By: Yousuf Khan To: All Re: FAQ: UUEncoding/Decoding? St: -------------------------------------------------------------------- UUEncoding/Decoding is a method for representing a series of eight bit binary characters in a series of six bit equivalents. This is to allow transmission of all characters without using any characters that might be considered control characters by the transmission system. You may use UUEncoding to broadcast binary files over this Fidonet echo, provided that it isn't too large. In general, if you have to break up the encoded file over two or more messages, then it's probably too big. In that case you should make the binary file available for downloading or f'req'ing from a BBS system. Also the preferred method of transmission over the echo is assembler source code. If that is impractical, then you may encode the binary file in a Dos' Debug script format. And finally you may try UUEncoding, before going to the download/file request path. Below is a Debug script of a free UUDecoder, written by David Kirschbaum, so one may decode any UUEncoded scripts that might by transmitted over this echo: N UUD20.COM If you have downloaded this script file, remove any captured communications header and then enter DEBUG < filename where filename is the name of this script file. ____________________________________________________________________ For encoding use uuencode (see 80XXX Snippets) which also comes from David Kirschbaum. Uwe E. Schirm ____________________________________________________________________