>>> Welcome to 80XXX Snippets! <<< >>> 80X0992 - Sep. 92 <<< All the code I put into 80XXX Snippets for distribution is Public Domain or free to the best that I can determine. Since 80XXX Snippets includes both public domain and free code, be sure to carefully read each header for any free license restrictions which may apply. You are more than welcome to contact me for any ideas or suggestions on 80XXX Snippets. 80XXX Snippets are released for the first time in July 1992. Distribution will be in two files: 80Xmmyy.LZH full collection of 80XXX Snippets 80XmmyyD.LZH differential pack. contains only the files changes since the last release (needless to mention that mm indicates the month and yy the year of release) 80XXX Snippets is distributed through the FidoNet Programmer's Distribution Network (PDN_ASM) and are also available at my BBS: CTB FUTURES BOARD, 49-89-917754, 9600 V32-V42B, 24h Online Free first time download FidoNet address: 2:246/120 Magics for Frequesting are: 80XSNIP for full collection 80XDIFF for differential package I want to thank following fellow programers for spending their time and sharing their knowledge to provide us with good stuff: (in alphabetical order) Craig Allsop COPPER.ASM, COPRTEST.C, POSXY.ASM Ed Beroset NET_SN.ASM Paul Cullum GAMEPORT.ASM, NOCAD.ASM Mathew Hildebrand CTRLC.ASM Yousuf Khan COPRO.ASM, EXTFILE.ASM, IRQVECT.ASM, SERTYPE.ASM, VCP_DET.ASM David Kirschbaum UUD20, UUENCODE Darren Lyon VGADRAW.PAS David Poskie MAKEUUE Matt Pritchard DRAWCHAR.ASM, DRAWIMAG.ASM, SETPIXEL.ASM, VGAMODEX.ASM Inbar Raz DEBUG.TXT, DIALER.ASM, DMAPORTS.TXT, FAT.TXT, H2NAME.ASM Dave Walker CHILD.ASM, STRING.ASM K. Yogaratnam CRC32.ASM Enjoy 80XXX Snippets! Uwe E. Schirm