List of all files included in 80X0992.LZH : CHILD.ASM Model for invoking a child process CHILD.TXT Textfile to CHILD.ASM COPPER.ASM VGA palette changing COPPER.TXT Textfile to COPPER.ASM COPRTEST.C Testfile for COPPER.ASM COPRO.ASM Detects whether coprocessor is installed or not CRC32.ASM CRC32 routines and tables CTRLC.ASM Trap Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Break, PrintScreen CTRLC.TXT Textfile to CTRLC.ASM DEBUG.TXT Anti-Debugging-Tricks DIALER.ASM Resident dialer DIALER.TXT Textfile to DIALER.ASM DMAPORTS.TXT Description of DMA Ports DRAWCHAR.ASM Decode a 8 byte bit pattern (character) into a 8x8 pixel image DRAWIMAG.ASM Optimize graphics routines DRAWIMAG.TXT Textfile for DRAWIMAG.ASM FAT.TXT Descriptions of the FAT FAQ_386.TXT Frequently Ask Questions: Difference between 386, 486, SX, DX FAQ_BOOK.TXT Frequently Ask QUestions: Books on Assembler FAQ_BOOT.TXT Frequently Ask Questions: Warmboot the computer FILELIST.TXT This file GAMEPORT.ASM Detects whether there is a gameport IRQVECT.ASM Demonstration of use of the VCPI function 0DE0Ah VCP_DET.ASM Detects if VCPI is available EXTFILE.ASM External file for IRQVECT.ASM and VCP-DET.ASM H2NAME.ASM Handle to Name MAKEUUE .BAT file that contains UU code utility MAKEUUE.TXT Textfile for MAKEUUE MODEX.ASM VGA non-standard 256 color routines MODEX.TXT Textfile for MODEX.ASM NET_SN.ASM Displays Serial Numbers of Networks NET_SN.TXT Textfile for NET_SN.ASM NOCAD.ASM Controll - Alt - Delete Handler POSXY.ASM Position pixel at x,y README.TXT Some words to the 80XXX Snippets SERTYPE.ASM Displays serial port types SETPIXEL.ASM Set pixel position and attribute STRING.ASM Finding strings in memory UUD20 Official Uudecoder of the 80XXX Echo UUENCODE Uuencoder UU_CODE.TXT Textfile about Uuencoding and Uudecoding (FAQ) VGADRAW.PAS Mini VGA paint program VGAMODEX.ASM VGA non-standard 256 color routines VGAMODEX.TXT Textfile to VGAMODEX.ASM