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                           communication library

For better understanding what are possibilities of TELEPATHY is good to see
list of functions which are offered to user of TELEPATHY:

 bin_and()          Binary AND
 bin_not()          Binary negation
 bin_or()           Binary OR
 bin_xor()          Binary exclusive OR
 tp_ansi()          PC ANSI terminal emulator
 tp_baud()          Get or set baud rate
 tp_break()         Send serial break
 tp_clearin()       Clear input buffer
 tp_clearout()      Clear output buffer
 tp_close()         Close serial port
 tp_clrkbd()        Clear typeahead buffer
 tp_ctrlcts()       Get or set CTS handshake setting
 tp_ctrldcd()       Get or set DCD handshake setting
 tp_ctrldsr()       Get or set DSR handshake setting
 tp_ctrldtr()       Get or set DTR handshake setting
 tp_ctrlrts()       Get or set RTS handshake setting
 tp_ctrlx()         Get or set XON/XOFF handshake setting
 tp_data()          Get or set number of data bits
 tp_delay()         Pause while handling notifications
 tp_errcodes()      Define error codes
 tp_errmsg()        Convert error code to English text
 tp_error()         Error code from last operation
 tp_fifo()          Get or set 16550 FIFO state
 tp_flowchk()       Check output flow control
 tp_flowon()        Override received XOFF
 tp_flush()         Flush output buffer
 tp_getwatch()      Get next matched watch
 tp_gmtoff()        Get or set time zone offset
 tp_himark()        Get or set XOFF high-water mark
 tp_hshk()          Get or set handshake settings
 tp_idle()          Idle procedure
 tp_inchrs()        Get number of characters in input buffer
 tp_infree()        Get free space in input buffer
 tp_inkey()         Read a key and handle notifications
 tp_iscts()         Return CTS status
 tp_isdcd()         Return DCD status
 tp_isdsr()         Return DSR status
 tp_isport()        Check whether serial port exists
 tp_isri()          Return RI status
 tp_iswatch()       Test whether watch matched
 tp_keybd()         Stuff string in keyboard buffer
 tp_kparam()        Set Kermit parameters
 tp_lookfor()       Look for character in input buffer
 tp_lomark()        Get or set XON low-water mark
 tp_lstat()         Return line status
 tp_mstat()         Return modem status
 tp_noteoff()       Disable a pending notification
 tp_onchar()        Notify on receipt of character
 tp_onempty()       Notify when output buffer empty
 tp_onhimark()      Notify on high-water mark
 tp_oninput()       Notify on any input
 tp_onmodem()       Notify when modem status changes
 tp_ontime()        Notify after a number of seconds
 tp_open()          Open serial port
 tp_outchrs()       Get number of characters in output buffer
 tp_outfree()       Get free space in output buffer
 tp_parity()        Get or set parity setting
 tp_recv()          Receive string
 tp_recvln()        Line input with editing
 tp_recvto()        Receive string up to delimiter
 tp_resume()        Resume notifications
 tp_reopen()        Reopen serial port
 tp_rkermit()       Receive file using Kermit
 tp_rx1k()          Receive file using Xmodem-1K
 tp_rxcrc()         Receive file using Xmodem/CRC
 tp_rxmodem()       Receive file using Xmodem
 tp_ryg()           Receive files using Ymodem-G
 tp_rymodem()       Receive files using Ymodem
 tp_rzmodem()       Receive files using Zmodem
 tp_send()          Send string
 tp_sendsub()       Send part of string
 tp_setln()         Set parameters for tp_recvln()
 tp_setport()       Configure special port
 tp_stop()          Get or set number of stop bits
 tp_strhex()        Convert string to hexadecimal
 tp_striphi()       Get or set high-bit-strip flag
 tp_suspend()       Suspend notifications
 tp_skermit()       Send files using Kermit
 tp_sx1k()          Send file using Xmodem-1K
 tp_sxmodem()       Send file using Xmodem or Xmodem/CRC
 tp_symodem()       Send files using Ymodem or Ymodem-G
 tp_szmodem()       Send files using Zmodem
 tp_tcol()          Get emulator cursor column
 tp_tflags()        Get or set terminal emulator flags
 tp_tpos()          Move emulator cursor
 tp_trow()          Get emulator cursor row
 tp_tty()           TTY terminal emulator
 tp_tsay()          Display text in emulator window
 tp_tsend()         Terminal emulator send
 tp_uninstall()     Release interrupt vectors
 tp_waitfor()       Wait for one of several strings
 tp_watch()         Set input watch
 tp_watchoff()      Delete input watch
 tp_xbufsize()      Get or set file buffer size
 tp_xdcd()          Get or set file transfer DCD flag
 tp_xyparam()       Set Xmodem/Ymodem parameters
 tp_zblklen()       Get or set Zmodem block length
 tp_zfconv()        Get or set Zmodem file conversion option
 tp_zparam()        Set Zmodem parameters

In general is TELEPATHY very good made communication library which is 
allowing nearly anything with modems and any serial communication. Inclusion
in Clipper program is very easy and libraries comes with Norton Guide and
paper documentation - both well made and with lot of examples.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson