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 File Name:      VOICE200.ARJ
 Other Names:

 File Size:      39,817 bytes
 File Contents:
                 MVDEMO.PRG         9691
                 MVREADER.PRG       7337
                 MYCUSTOM.DCT        296
                 SYSTEM01.DCT       1154
                 MV.BIN            20700
                 MV.DOC            27144
                 MVCLIP87.LIB      22645
                 MVCLIP50.LIB      21621
                 MVREADER.TXT        467

 Voice synthesis library for Summer87 and Clipper 5.01. Really speaking
 library which i'm now going to test with MVDEMO.PRG.

 OK, it's five minutes later. My portable PC has absolutely stupid speaker
 of course, therefore result of effort of this program is something not good
 to hear. But still with my effort, i can understand what was told!

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