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 File Name:      NFDESC2.ARJ
 Other Names:

 File Size:      5,129 bytes
 File Contents:
                 NFDESC.TXT        12451

 NANFORUM library is one from greatest Clipper projects which i ever seen.
 It's great idea of sharing user supplied, test and used sources into one
 big library. It's managed by some CompuServe users to final state of
 complete library with .NG documentation.

 First day when i looked into NANFORUM library i decided immediately take it
 inside of mine used libraries set. I can only reccomend to do this for you
 also. If want to take a look to list of functions in this library before
 taking over of complete needed library files, get this file, because .TXT
 inside is complete list of functions with descriptions.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson