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 File Name:      GETKEY.ARJ
 Other Names:

 File Size:      280,043 bytes
 File Contents:
                 DEMO.EXE         430080         DEMWPRO.TXT        1727
                 DEMOGET.SPT        1702         EKOT.TXT            139
                 DEMOLD.PRG        22591         EMPH.TXT             63
                 DEMOMAIL.PRM         21         EXP.TXT             279
                 DEMOMAIL.SPT       1204         GETKEY.LIB       102723
                 DEMOMAIL.TXT        637         GETKEY.OBJ        15560
                 DEMOPEN.MEM        9226         GETKEY.PRG        31147
                 DEMOPEN.PRM          23         KARTIS.DBF         6226
                 DEMOPEN.SPT        1166         MANUAL.DOC        71128
                 DEMWPRO.PRM          21         PSOURCE.LIB       29237
                 DEMWPRO.SPT        2390         TI.CH              9488
                 TI_MSG.DBF        24971         TI_DEFLT.DBF      18761
                 TI_MSG.NTX         2048         TI_DEFLT.NTX       2048

 From first moment of discovering, this looks as one good library oriented
 for FIELD INPUT in professional manner and ideas.

 Some facilities - integrated wordprocessor, Mail Merging, input of field
 in virtual window, enhanced entry of date, MemoEdit() replacement, screen
 painting. Final price of this library is $149. Available .LIB in this
 DEMO package shouldn't be crippled in any way

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson