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 File Name:      ADHOC302.ARJ
 Other Names:

 File Size:      42,347 bytes
 File Contents:
                 DEMO.STR           1527         MAKEDEMO.BAT        764
                 7100.PRT            133         DEMO.DBF           5272
                 ALL.PRT             107         ADHOC.OBJ         70962
                 AUGUST.PRT          129         READ.ME             763
                 DEMO.PRG           2008         ADHOC.ASC         39242

 Summer 87 report program. It's intelligent utility to generate printed
 reports also with printer codes support and with special meaning of
 allowing normal end user of program generate what they need with simple set
 of menus. This file is including .OBJ version of function with demo
 program. Source is available from autor for purchase.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson