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    <N/A>   Library or product is not currently available, for more 
            information contact NETCONSULT for status of product.

    bold    We would like to recommend several libraries or products from 
            our practical experiences.  With this range of  product it is 
            always  possible to get extended help from NETCONSULT 
            programming department,  because these products are heavily 
            used in our own programs. Therefore  take a look into bolded 
            libraries/programs, bolded they are a "MUST" for every serious 
            programmer in Clipper.

    prices  Prices can be subject  of change because  of changing situation 
            in foreign money  market and also possible price changes from 
            libraries/program authors, always verify latest  price list at 
            NETCONSULT.  All prices are excluding BTW (VAT) and possible 
            transfer costs.

   delivery Delivery in normal cases is 14 days. In case of products 
            available in stock it  is possible to have  different delivery 
            terms,  please call for current delivery information

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson