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    Enhanced standard ME version

    Enhanced version of Multi-Edit incorporating spell checker, print 
    formatter and source level debugger.   
    Additional features:

    -   The MultiEdit documentation mode which includes a fully integrated
        spellchecker with two alternative dictionaries. When you are checking
        your sorce code, MultiEdit is intelligent enough to know that it 
        should only check strings contained within quotes.

    -   The documentation module will also act as a word processor. You can
        produce end user quality documentation complete with headers, 
        footers, index and table of contents generation, enhanced print and
        automatic pagination. But it doesn't stop there, the macro source
        code is also included so that you can even customize this.

    -   The MultiEdit communications module is a seamlessly integrated
        communications environment supporting baud rates up to 38,400.
        File transfer protocols such as XModem, XModem 1K, YMOdem-Batch and
        ASCII are supported as well as external protocols. Other features
        include auto-dial directory, re-dial, screen capture and message

    -   Version control support gives an extensive, automated interface to
        TLIB, PVCS and MKS-RCS. The processes of checking files in and out
        of version libraries are automated. You can compare two files and
        list the changes throughout the history of a specified file.

    -   The macro Source Code Module contains the macro source to all of
        Multi-Edit's user interface macros and many of it's extended
        features. This gives you the programmer, unlimited power to 
        customize. Not only can you write your own macros, but you can 
        step through them to make sure the are doing what YOU want them
        to do. The source level macro debugger gives you the power to
        examine watch and modify variables.

    -   Language Support second to none. Whether you program in Clipper,
        BASIC, COBOL, xBase, PASCAL, FORTRAN, Assembler, C/C++ or Modula-2,
        MultiEdit is for you. More languages will be added to this list in
        future. This language support allows smart indenting, template
        editing and construct matching.

    For additional features available for MultiEdit see product named


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