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    NLM for DBF processing at server

    With Extendbase, data is processed where it is stored on the more 
    powerful file server, instead of sending all the data across the 
    network to a less powerful client workstation. Faster data processing 
    and less network traffic means greater productivity. With improved 
    indexing, querying and reporting functions, existing databases will run 
    up to 15 times faster.  While executing supported dBASE-compatible 
    commands, a 286 with Extendbase will out-perform commercially available 
    486 workstation without Extendbase. ExtendBase also uses 
    dBASE-compatible commands so users do not have to learn new database 
    languages. Many existing applications are easily modifiable to utilize 
    ExtendBase.  ExtendBase has four client interfaces, with provide easy 
    access to performance enhancements of ExtendBase, ExtendBase USE - 
    dbase like Command line interpreter, which can also set up batch 
    processing jobs, ExtendBase Query Processor - menu driver interface 
    which enables users to benefit from ExtendBase performance without 
    learning dBASE command syntax; ExtendBase Clipper Interface - allow 
    Clipper programmer to access ExtendBase by adding and include file and 
    recompiling; Lotus 1-2-3 DataLens Interface - allows 1-2-3 users to 
    define queries and extract dBASE data into their spreadsheets.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson