[^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
                      any =                   -
                      any ==                  -
                     num1 abs                 num2
                num1 num2 add                 sum
                        - allowjobreset       int
                    array aload               a0..an-1 array
              string seek anchorsearch    (post match true) or (string false)
              bool1 bool2 and                 bool3
                int1 int2 and                 int3
          x y r ang1 ang2 arc                 -
          x y r ang1 ang2 arcn                -
            x1 y1 x2 y2 r arcto               xt1 yt1 xt2 yt2
                      int array               array
             ax ay string ashow               -
       anyo..anyn-1 array astore              array
                  num den atan                angle
  cx cy char ax ay string awidthshow          -
    matrix wide high proc banddevice          -
                     dict begin               -
                     proc bind                proc
               int1 shift bitshift            int2
                     file bytesavailable      int
                        - cachestatus bsize bmax msize mmax csize cmax blimit
                   string cartstatus          (type id) or (false)
                     num1 ceiling             num2
              string bool charpath            -
                      int checkpassword       bool
           |  any1 ..anyn clear               |
          mark obj1..objn cleartomark         -
                        - clip                -
                        - clippath            -
                     file closefile           -
                        - closepath           -
                   matrix concat              -
  matrix1 matrix2 matrix3 concatmatrix        matrix3
             any1..anyn n copy                any1..anyn any1..anyn
              dict1 dict2 copy                dict2
            array1 array2 copy                subarray2
          string1 string2 copy                substring2
                        - copypage            -
                    angle cos                 real
             any1..anyn count               |  any1..anyn n
                        - countdictstack      int
                        - countexecstack      int
         mark obj1 . objn counttomark         mark obj1..objn n
                        - currentcacheparams  mark lower upper
                        - currentdash         array offset
                        - currentdict         dict
                        - currentfile         file
                        - currentflat         num
                        - currentfont         font
                        - currentgray         num
                        - currenthsbcolor     hue sat brt
                        - currentlinecap      int
                        - currentlinejoin     int
                        - currentlinewidth    num
                   matrix currentmatrix       matrix
                        - currentmiterlimit   num
                        - currentpacking      bool
                        - currentpoint        x y
                        - currentrgbcolor     red green blue
                        - currentscreen       freq angle proc
                        - currenttransfer     proc
        x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 curveto             -
                      num cvi                 int
                   string cvi                 int
                      any cvlit               any
                   string cvn                 name
                      num cvr                 real
                   string cvr                 real
         num radix string cvrs                substring
               any string cvs                 substring
                      any cvx                 any
                key value def                 -
                        - defaultmanualfeed   bool
                   matrix defaultmatrix       matrix
                        - defaultpapertray    bin
                        - defaulttimeouts     job manualfeed wait
                 key font definefont          font
                   device devdismount         -
                   device devmount            bool
                   device devstatus           free size
                      int dict                dict
                    array dictstack           subarray
                num1 num2 div                 quotient
                        - dostartpage         bool
             dx dy matrix dtransform          dx' dy'
                    dx dy dtransform          dx' dy'
                      any dup                 any any
                     bool echo                -
                    index eescratch           value
                        - end                 -
                        - eoclip              -
                        - eofill              -
                any1 any2 eq                  bool
                        - erasepage           -
                        - errordict           dict
                any1 any2 exch                any2 any1
                      any exec                -
                    array execstack           subarray
                    array executeonly         array
                     file executeonly         file
                   string executeonly         string
                        - exit                -
            base exponent exp                 real
                        - false               false
          string1 string2 file                file
                          filetype            true
                        - fill                -
                      key findfont            font
                        - flattenpath         -
                     num1 floor               num2
                        - flush               -
                     file flushfile           -
                        - FontDirectory       dict
     init incr limit proc for                 -
              string proc forall              -
                dict proc forall              -
               array proc forall              -
    matrix wide high proc framedevice         -
       red green blue set gbcolor             -
                num1 num2 ge                  bool
                str1 str2 ge                  bool
              array index get                 any
                 dict key get                 any
             string index get                 int
        array index count getinterval         subarray
       string index count getinterval         substring
                        - grestore            -
                        - grestoreall         -
                        - gsave               -
                num1 num2 gt                  bool
                str2 str2 gt                  bool
                        - hardwareiomode      integer
                   matrix identmatrix         matrix
                int1 int2 idiv                quotient
                        - idlefonts           mark font sx sy rot nchars ..
           dx, dy, matrix idtransform         dx dy
                  dx, dy, idtransform         dx dy
                bool proc if                  -
         bool proc1 proc2 ifelse              -
             anyn..any0 n index               anyn..any0 anyn
                        - initclip            -
                        - initgraphics        -
                        - initmatrix          -
          matrix1 matrix2 invertmatrix        matrix2
             x, y, matrix itranform           x y
                    x' y' itransform          x y
                        - jobname             string
                        - jobtimeout          int
                 dict key known               bool
              proc string kshow               -
                num1 num2 le                  bool
                str1 str2 le                  bool
                    array length              int
                   string length              int
                     dict length              int
                      x y lineto              -
                      num ln                  real
                      key load                value
                      num log                 real
                     proc loop                -
                num1 num2 lt                  bool
                str1 str2 lt                  bool
              font matrix makefont            font
                        - manualfeed          bool
                        - manualfeedtimeout   int
                        - margins             top left
                        - mark                mark
                        - matrix              matrix
                     dict maxlength           int
                int1 int2 mod                 remainder
                      x y moveto              -
                num1 num2 mul                 product
                any1 any2 ne                  bool
                     num1 neg                 num2
                        - newpath             -
                    array noaccess            array
                     dict noaccess            dict
                     file noaccess            file
                   string noaccess            array
                    bool1 not                 bool2
                     int1 not                 int2
                        - null                null
                        - nulldevice          -
              bool1 bool2 or                  bool3
                int1 int2 or                  int3
        any0 ... anyn-1 n packedarray         packedarray
                        - pagecount           int
                        - papertray           int
                        - pathbbox            llx lly urx ury
    move line curve close pathforall          -
                      any pop                 -
                   string print               -
                   string printername         substring
                        - product             string
                        - prompt              -
             | any1..anyn pstack              | any1..anyn
         string index int put                 -
          array index any put                 -
           dict key value put                 -
    string1 index string2 putinterval         -
      array1 index array2 putinterval         -
                        - quit                -
                        - rand                int
                   array  rcheck              bool
                     dict rcheck              bool
                     file rcheck              bool
                   string rcheck              bool
  dx1 dy1 dx2 dy2 dx3 dy3 rcurveto            -
                     file read                (int true) or (false)
              file string readhexstring       substring bool
              file string readline            substring bool
                    array readonly            array
                     dict readonly            dict
                     file readonly            file
                   string readonly            string
              file string readstring          substring bool
                     proc renderbands         -
                 int proc repeat              -
                     file resetfile           -
                     save restore             -
                        - reversepath         -
                        - revision            string
                    dx dy rlineto             -
                    dx dy rmoveto             -
             an-1..a0 n j roll                a(j-1) mod n..a0 an-1..aj mod n
                    angle rotate              -
             angle matrix rotate              matrix
                     num1 round               num2
                        - rrand               int
                   string run                 -
                        - save                save
                    sx sy scale               -
             sx sy matrix scale               matrix
               font scale scalefont           font
                  channel sccbatch            baud options
              string seek search      (post match pre true) or (string false)
                      int setallowjobreset    -
    wx wy llx lly urx ury setcachedevice      -
                      num setcachelimit       -
         mark lower upper setcacheparams      -
                    wx wy setcharwidth        -
             array offset setdash             -
                     bool setdefaultmanualfeed-
                      bin setdefaultpapertray -
      job manualfeed wait setdefaulttimeouts  -
                     bool setdostartpage      -
              index value seteescratch        -
                      num setflat             -
                     font setfont             -
                      num setgray             -
                  setting sethardwareiomode   -
              hue set brt sethsbcolor         -
                      int setjobtimeout       -
                      int setlinecap          -
                      int setlinejoin         -
                      num setlinewidth        -
                 top left setmargins          -
                   matrix setmatrix           -
                      num setmiterlimit       -
                     bool setpacking          -
                      int setpapertray        -
                  old new setpassword         bool
                   string setprintername      -
           red green blue setrgbcolor         -
     channel baud options setsccbatch         -
          freq angle proc setscreen           -
                     proc settransfer         -
                   string show                -
                        - showpage            -
                    angle sin                 real
                      num sqrt                real
                      int srand               -
             | any1..anyn stack               |  any1..anyn
                        - StandardEncoding    array
                        - start               -
                     file status              bool
                        - stop                -
                      any stopped             bool
                key value store               -
                      int string              string
                   string stringwidth         wx wy
                        - stroke              -
                        - strokepath          -
                num2 num2 sub                 difference
                        - systemdict          dict
                     file token               (token true) or (false)
                   string token               (post token true) or (false)
               x y matrix transform           x' y'
                      x y transform           x' y'
                    tx ty translate           -
             tx ty matrix translate           matrix
                        - true                true
                     num1 truncate            num2
                      any type                name
                        - userdict            dict
                        - usertime            int
                        - version             string
                        - vmstatus            level used maximum
                        - waittimeout         int
                    array wcheck              bool
                     dict wcheck              bool
                     file wcheck              bool
                   string wcheck              bool
                      key where               (dict true) or (false)
        cx cy char string widthshow           -
                 file int write               -
              file string writehexstring      -
              file string writestring         -
                      any xcheck              bool
              bool1 bool2 xor                 bool3
                int1 int2 xor                 int3
                        - [                   mark
        mark obj0..objn-1 ]                   array

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson