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any type name                               return name for any's type

any cvlit any                               make object be literal

any cvx any                                 make object be executable

any xcheck bool                             test executable attribute

array | file | string executeonly           reduce access to execute-only
           array | file | string

array | dict | file | string noaccess       disallow any access
           array | dict | file | string

array | dict | file | string readonly       reduce access to readonly
           array | dict | file | string

array | dict | file | string rcheck bool    test read access

array | dict | file | string wcheck bool    test write access

num | string cvi int                        convert to integer

string cvn name                             convert to name

num | string cvr real                       convert to real

num radix string cvrs substring             convert to string with radix

any string cvs substring                    convert to string

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson